Wednesday 10 August 2016

Why to Support Farmers Market?

 Directly meeting the farmers who grow and produce food for us is really great. Saturdays and Sundays, almost all localities are having their own farmer's market.   If you are conscious of your health it is a good way to get some  exercises for self and also a great target to buy the freshest and tastiest food for your family ,when you decide to go to farmers market. Seasonal vegetables and fruits are the all time highlights of the farmers market which help to reconnect with the cycles of our locality. So also the farmers are directly benefited by a better price. Meeting and talking to farmers is a great opportunity to learn about the local produces and how hard the farmers work to bring the delicious and nutritious food to us. It also helps us to connect with our community and make shopping a pleasure while meeting friends and have fun with family by getting away from the amusement of a big city to enjoy the goodness of a small town life.

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