Wednesday 10 August 2016

Age is not the barrier to loose creativity....

 Get ready for a trip with a camera to be creative. Even if you are a senior citizen, never mind, you are too young to enjoy and get involved. Everyday gives us good lessons, provided we should have a learning attitude.
I remember a beautiful quote.
When I hear I forget, when I see I remember a little, when I do I can understand and when I teach I won't forget.
If you have a camera with you, sure you will capture pictures.
You will find out opportunities to click beautiful and lively pictures. Here a simple structure made is converted to a lively portrait. Once you capture it then you will love to show the pictures to your dear ones. If you are having lot of such pictures then you can conduct an exhibition in get together meetings and then to social circles. It will keep your life colourful and busy.
Also you can take initiative to share the pictures which in turn becomes a memorable souvenir of the family for generations to enjoy.

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