Monday 15 August 2016

Power of observation is the prime key to get inspired with new ideas....

 I remember while up downing in train for attending the office, it is very interesting to see majority wish to get a seat and fall in sleep. They love the nap in the trip to get more energy for their work.
Some will settle on a seat and grab their favourite book and start reading. A few only, we can see are alert and vibrant to observe nature, surroundings and chat with the co- passengers. They can be categorised as observant. Observing skill can enhance the memory power of an individual.
                                          I still remember my teenage daughter hates me looking around and befriending with others. Her little experience thought, I was interfering into others.
                                           Being observant means watching situations, people and events, then recollecting those and sharing with your friends and family, thinking critically about the observations.
It is easy not to pay attention to our surroundings and simply say, I am not interfering in any issues.
Being humanitarian, they can't leave their surroundings. They expand their outlook of the world and may often be showered with new and innovative ideas. An observant can gain a lot in the world which helps to be positive, brave and confident. The surroundings will inspire and develop curiosity in those who pay attention to the world and give eye contact to others.

1 comment:

  1. Nature is a great teacher and by observing we get great lessons
