Sunday 21 August 2016

Practice Eye Contact to be a good Speaker and a Winner...

If you are a speaker sweep the audience with your eyes. But if you want to connect with your audience, look in the eye of each individual, one at a time. Focusing your eyes helps you concentrate.
If not you looks less confident and less authoritative.
Practice assertive eye contact. Making eye contact with a character on an advertisement of a food packet inspires strong feelings of connection. Eye contacts help to get more listeners, more acceptors and more followers. The most powerful tool of communication and building up confidence is based on focused eye contact. Once you are scanning the faces of your audience, they start nodding at you means, they are in a rapport with you. There are now active listeners and the session will become conversational. That is dialogue instead of monologue. While looking into the eyes of others for three to five seconds may make you assertive and empathetic because the receiver feels that you are taking care of their response. Simple practice will help you to master in healthy eye contact that make you a winner in all walks of your life.

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