Saturday 13 August 2016

Kids Garden Club....An innovative idea to become tune with the environment!

 It is summer in USA. A lot of programmes and events related to all walks in life. Being an Agriculture expert, I am interested in farming. Today we visited Rainbow Gardens. The programme for kids on all second Saturdays in the summer was the highlight. Our four year old grandson participated in the programme. After a brief introduction and a simple quiz on vegetables unfreeze the kids to have a friendly atmosphere. Then the indoor practical of planting basil seeds. After that comes outdoor practical directly in the field where vegetable patches were ready.
 All the kids were given with seedlings of chilly, tomato and squash and taught them, how to plant it. Then they sow radish seeds and pea seeds. They learned to sow pea seeds with eye up in the sky. Then back to class room, they were given with a magazine on vegetable growing and free seeds along with the basil sown pots, which makes them do the follow up back home.
 Our grandson is so curious to see the seeds germinating and growing. He loves herbs and use to eat it raw.  He already wants to attend the class next month. If we are supportive, no doubt we can create an environment friend younger generation.

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