Saturday 20 August 2016

Is Crying a Blessing?

It is said as crying is the trade mark of women. Yes, it is true. Women are more sensitive and they wish and like to get pampered. But men, their pride is not allowing them to cry as and when needed. They feel that to man up they need to be bold. Survey shows the longevity of women is more than men. What is the secret? One of them sure is women are washing out their stress and pain through tears and men are suppressing their stress in their heart and ends in high blood pressure, ulcers and heart attack. So don't feel ashamed, cry when ever you feel and live healthy.
" Tears are just one of many miracles which work so well that we taken them for granted every day." Jerry Bergman
This quote reminds me the healing qualities of tears. I am a person who cries a lot when feel sad. It is so true in my case, after a good cry, I always feel relaxed and relieved like a free bird ready to fly with happiness. No doubt, crying heal us psychologically and spiritually. Crying elevates our mood by lowering our stress.
                     Don't feel crying is a weakness it is really a blessing to stay healthy.

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