Thursday 25 August 2016

Change your Mind to Change your Life!

The thoughts in our mind is determining the quality of our life.
I remember an incident when I was at a Seniors School during my vacation in Australia.
My smile is my signature, no way even if I come across a stranger and has eye contact, I smile.
In the school the classes and sessions were fun filled and energy filled with sharing experience, local, national and international topics, sharing cuisine and culture and enjoying physical activities like yoga, dance, tai-chi, chi- kung, all were actively involved. One day one of the participant asked 'look at Suma, she is very happy all the time'. Then another  friend answered, 'You know, she is a visitor'.
That conversation made me think, why and what about happiness.
Far away in another continent to be happy means that is something cultivated within. No one can on a fine morning with all the material riches can be happy.
The nature of our thoughts determines the way of our approach to life. Happy and optimistic thoughts makes one positive and compassionate. It helps to make the five sensory organs work effectively and create a cool breeze within us. Our actions are the practical manifestations of our thoughts. There is no competition mentality in happy people. They can take life as it comes. Our brain is ready to adopt any changes that we bring into our mind.
Positive affirmations are like mantras having a sacred force to get it done.
Be grateful on the blessings showered on us and forget the wrong things and negative incidents wilfully. Make your inner child always awake to be simple, humble and innocent.
Live in the present to be happy, forget the past and don't worry about the future.
Focus on your power and think pure to change yourself, the rest will come on your way and you can witness the world is changing.

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