Friday 26 August 2016

Despair....the Greatest Enemy in Our Life....

Who is our greatest enemy? If we face such a question, what will be the answer? Will it be like some friends, your parents, or the locality or the course you are undergoing or the work you are doing now. Like wise we can find an endless list to blame our progress in life. And it is so nice to enjoy the situation by blaming others and living on excuses.
Don't you feel that you are so idle. Don't you feel bad on you.
Then the attitude of you is that you truly want to be in a better place in your life.
Look into yourself, is there any factors withdrawing you from excelling.
Yes, your  fear, your doubt and your inability to act. This finally ends in 'Despair' and you start finding excuses to survive from the situations and be a good person of rights in front of others.
Despair also will kill our peace of mind and brand us into the inefficient category finding fault with others, external things and incidents. Life is granted to everybody in the same way.
Get rid of Despair and build up the capacity within you to have and enjoy success in your life.
Share with people who care for you and stay brave in hard times with a strong heart and positive attitude. Act in time and behave in patience to enjoy the beautiful life granted by the Almighty.

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