Wednesday 24 August 2016

Life is like a Ride on the Roller Coaster....

Life is beautiful. It is trilling sometimes and scary sometimes. Like the roller coaster when it starts and making your first climb, it is exciting and exploring. Also there are times when we are going in circles without an end and sometimes hanging down with great grief. Life's speed varies, sometimes fast and sometimes very slow. Just the instability in the ride one experiences in real life also.
There are happy times when in high and sad times when in low. Like that the moods and emotions also.
We have to be aware of the ups and downs in life and get ready to face it. The ride in the coaster, even if scary after that we can feel it like fun and it is not that much scary and we can do it. Just like that with proper planning and assessing we can go forward in our lives taking care not to fall down into the steep bottom. If it happened to fall in the rock bottom with presence of mind one can come up.
   Conscious awareness in life helps one to lead life in a smooth way enjoying the day and night, hills and valleys, mountains and oceans of our lives, which reminds the ride in the roller coaster. It is only our choice whether to scream or enjoy the ride with our co riders.

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