Tuesday 16 August 2016

Art and Colour Work....Do not postpone the work to be done today.

A weekend dinner for family
    Today was a very busy day for me, looking after my grandsons. I checked my email only at 11am. There was an alert for me. The pictures for my next book on cookery is not sufficient. The matter is with the publisher for the last three years, so I don't want to get delayed more. The pictures sent earlier is not clear and some seems to be missing also. By 12.30pm, I managed to send the old pictures in a full set.
    Thought of preparing a new folder of pictures of the dishes in the book, in case if it is needed by the publisher. Then went to picture gallery on my desk top. Since updating my blog on cookery, I got plenty of pictures in my collection. But, improvisation is my passion, the ingredients for garnishing is not matching at all. Different herbs are used in different dishes. To achieve the target from 7pm I sat on my task. Managed to find out nice pictures from the last three year folders.
    Just completed the folder to send. Yes it is done. Now ready to reply. Time is 11.45pm. Can go for a sound sleep. Goodnight to all my friends.

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