Thursday 25 August 2016

Meditation... need of the hour....

Meditation is the gateway to health, happiness and harmony.
Meditation helps to be in a calm and peaceful state. It also helps with stress and depression, heart problems, blood pressure and all chronic stages of diseases. The only requirement is your time. At least half an hour in your daily schedule. To meditate well, start in a class group under a Guru.
Different ways of meditations are available. All are worth to practice. I usually meditate on eyebrow centre, which can be done at any place. Once we are experts in meditation it can be done at any time any where. When we feel low energy, do this meditation where ever you are, at office, airport, in a bus, park or any where. At least 10 minutes are required for this. Meditation can be done in three splits a day.
After a few deep breaths sit in comfortable position in a quiet place.
Focus on eyebrow centre and close your eyes. Keep your hands on your thighs and sit relaxed. Meditate on the eyebrow centre. Mentally feel the vibrations on the eyebrow centre. Repeat focusing on eyebrow centre, continue for 15 minutes. Come out from meditation and offer blessings to all one by one. Bring your dear and near ones one by one in your mental picture and pray for their health and happiness, then bring any one who need special prayers and blessings, any one you feel may be your enemy, like wise cover all those in your life with blessings.
Finally pray for the whole Universe to enjoy with good health, happiness, prosperity and peace.

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