Wednesday 24 August 2016

Commitment and Dedication.....Congratulations to Sindhu and Sakshi...

Both Sindhu and Sakshi made our nation proud. They are the strongest women of India.
The recent 'Silver' from RIO Olympics for Women's Badminton Singles by P V Sindhu triggered me to write this post.
Her hard work, dedication and commitment pay off the win. Years of sweat, sacrifice and dedication led her to the triumph in Olympics. According to her words she played her 'Heart' out to win the medal. She is the first Indian badminton women player to win a medal. Her commitment and involvement were intense right from childhood. Her hard work and determination can be seen in the fact that she wakes up at 4am everyday for her practice. She used to travel 56 KM daily during her training days so that she could learn the sport. That's the Commitment and Dedication!!!
The second medal from RIO Olympics by India is the 'Bronze' by Sakshi Malik, for wrestling 58kg freestyle. It is the result of her 12 year's fight. In the beginning she faced many troubles from the local villagers who believed that wrestling is meant only for boys. She over come the false belief of her villagers and decided to take up her passion and complete her goal proving she can do it.
Hats off to our strong girls, their parents, coaches and all the supporters.
'Wish you both Good Luck' in the Tokyo Olympics 2020.


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