Saturday 20 August 2016

Respect Elders with Dignity

In my childhood we were taught to treat our elders with respect. Also to obey them and care for them. Even now I won't take a seat in front of my elders without making them sit first. But it is so sad to see the norms are being changed. Elders are providing seats to youngsters and youngsters are accepting these acts as taken for granted and the manners to treat our elders have been forgotten today.
I remember an old man was not getting any calls in his mobile for about a month. He took it to a repair shop complaining about his mobile. The guy in the shop found the mobile is working. Then he was saying then why I am not getting any calls from my children? In this busy world instead of treating our elders with respect most people are too busy to attend to their elder family members.
That is too sad. For youngsters they are too busy, but for elders they are waiting to hear the sweet sound of their dear ones. It is not anybody's fault to get old. Becoming elderly is just a natural process of life. What we can do is be patient and understanding with elders just like we are with our children. Don't put them in a second position because for many, their life has become lonely, distressed, physically and mentally weak and exhausting.  It is not their fault for getting old or what has happened to them.
Honour their experience and seek for advice and learn traditions and culture from them. They are the treasure of information from whom we can learn history.
 So what we have to do is love and respect them valuing their opinions and offer help whenever possible without controlling them.

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