Tuesday 9 August 2016

On a mission...oneness can remove the barriers...

Back from Australia, only five weeks in India. Then on 1st August to USA. This is my programme. Half yearly meeting of AIWC is scheduled on 21st, 22nd and 23rd of July. Only standing committee member could participate the meeting. Our delegate, due to health issues was not in a position to travel alone. As the joint secretary of our branch ,even though in a rush, I thought to accompany her in my own expense so that our branch will not miss the programme. My husband whole heartily agreed, provided we need to fly based on my convenience. Started on 20th and returned on 24th July the mission was done. Got new targets and we had quality time together to discuss future plans of our branch.
Also our energy level boosted up meeting our counterparts from various parts of India who attended the meeting.
 The unique specialty of oneness is to experience not to say.

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