Friday 26 August 2016

Don't live in Myths and Prejudices and Curse your Life....

Every one are born as Princes and Princesses! No one is born prejudiced!
Prejudice is a negative attitude without adequate knowledge or reason and leads to discrimination.
Myths are often stories told by people who are linked to religious beliefs and rituals.
Most of us live in myths and prejudices. We need to overcome this and live in the present. We can feel Godliness only in the present.
We draw a circle around us and prepare a list what to do and what not to do. Then it will become a stereotype for the person. When you start looking out and coming out of the circle, you can enjoy a new world with lots of options and opportunities. You can see life is more easy out there instead of being in a heavy state. Once you are out of myths and prejudices you in a world of creativity. Your transformation will be easy by waking up your own talents that were sleeping within you.
Now you can be proud of you realising that you are creative, innovative, productive and constructive to take part in changing the world and turn your life into a blessing.

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