Wednesday 24 August 2016

Be a Simple Person to Love the Universe....

Are we all 'Simple'. Do we like to be addressed as a simple person. If someone said " You are so simple." What will you feel? It depends to individuals. It varies from person to person.
Majority can fall in the category, why I am simple? I don't want to be simple. What is lacking in me? Am I not a perfect person? Like wise your mind will start arguing within you making you restless.
If you are a transparent and open hearted person you, for sure will be categorised in the 'Simple' person list. That means you are an approachable, uncomplicated and kind hearted person.
I love to be known as a simple person.
'SIMPLE' in my point of view is
S for  Sincere, I for  Intelligence, M for  Modest, P for  Polite, L for Loyal and E for  Enthusiastic.
 I love to be Simple. Simple people care for people than for material riches. They can feel the oneness among others whether rich or poor. They can change the world into a better state.
I remind a rhyme of 'SIMPLE'.
" Living is very Simple,
   Loving is also Simple,
   Laughing is too Simple,
   Winning is also Simple.
Then what is the difficult?  Being Simple is Very Difficult.

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