Saturday 27 August 2016

Never say I am Aged...

If you celebrated your sixtieth birthday don't say I am sixty years old. Say I am sixty years young.
Then feel the positive vibration in you, you can awake the child within you and behave with your grandchildren as of their age. Enjoy your second childhood with your grandkids and your friends.
There are three ages, chronological, biological and psychological.
Chronological age is calculated based on our date of birth.
Biological age is determined by our health conditions and
Psychological age is based on how we feel we are.
While we have no control on our chronological age. But we can take care of our health with healthy life styles such as good diet, routine exercises and a positive attitude. Our way of thinking cheerfully and optimistically can very well change our psychological age.
Always take care to stay in good health to lead a happy life to motivate and inspire others.
Health is in our hands through a well disciplined life style which is not at all hard if you have a strong desire to live this beautiful life to it's fullest.

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