Friday 19 August 2016

Photography....An amazing Stress Reliever

Today is the World Photo Day. The date behind World Photo Day originates from the invention of the Daguerreotype, a photographic processes developed by Joseph Nicephore Niepce and Louis Daguerre in 1837. On 9th January 1939, The French Academy of Sciences announced the daguerreotype process. A few months later the French government owned the patent and declared the invention as a gift " Free to the World". Now celebrating the 177 years of marking the invention of photography. Every project rises with an idea into reality through a series of processes.
Even though the World Photo Day project started in 2009, it was celebrated for the first time on August 19th, 2010.
It celebrates the passion for photography in our communities. It is a weeklong celebration up to August 25th. Millions of pictures are being uploaded in a minute through our social medias. Every picture shared is having a purpose to share your simple message to the world. They are sharing their world to the world. What a nice thing.
                               This should be only positive when we think of uploading pictures from our own gallery. Let our mission of sharing pictures spread happiness and harmony to those who view it. The themes can be from routine life to incredible natures beauty.
When you turn to the pictures and concentrate on the beautiful smiles, graceful curves of the landscapes and different colours of the flowers you will get relaxed and happy. Even if you are tensed for some reasons you will be amazed to feel the difference when you turn yourself into beautiful pictures.


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