Friday 12 August 2016

A Super Soul on Earth....A Great Salute!!!

                        Is retirement means simply relaxing? Most of the people think that after official retirement we are free enough to relax, to sleep, to simply sit idle, to watch a lot of favourite shows, to cook and eat what ever we like, such as we shall have a lot of dreams. But one thing, if we are not having a stipulated routine, there rise the problems. After a few months, we shall get fed up with our short term dreams. There comes the aches and ills to distract us from outside world and concentrate on self. The next step is to go for medication which will tie up us with don'ts instead of dos. This is the start of real old age, getting depended on others. A majority of people are categorised in this group. If we decide not to be so and have a strong desire to be healthy and be role models to our younger generation, sure we can stand up.
                         Today in Face book Sri. Prabhu Kumar, Former Zonal Project Director at Indian Council of Agricultural Research posted about  a super woman in farming, which inspired me to write this in the blog. She is farm lady in Thekkampatti village, karamadai Block, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Today she celebrates her 100th birthday. She is very supportive to TNAU programmes. Even now she is active and directing farming community in her area. By God's Grace and her positive mind set she is still a great role model for the Women in Agriculture and to the womanhood in the Universe.
Let us all pray for the health of this wonderful woman and seek blessings from her.

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