Monday 29 August 2016

Be a Role Model of Love for the Uplift of Humanity...

To love the Universe always think of the Supreme Power with gratitude for providing us the comforts in our lives such as food, shelter, air, water, health and happiness through out the day. Spend enough time to relax, meditate and to be in nature to get rid of 'Ego', love yourself and accept and enjoy your life. Practice openness , be self compassionate and spread the love to all the creatures, plants and trees, people and all the things prevails in the Universe without any conditions. That's the true love and you can experience the sweetness of love which is the Spiritual Love for the whole Universe.
Start your day with gratitude, accept your life and meditate, let life take over, spend time with nature and most important be proactive not reactive.
Be in love with the Universe and spread the love all around and become a role model of  'Love' to all those associated with us.
Life in it's true sense is in the present moment even though life swings between the past and the future. Bring your mind back to the present energy of love and dedicate your life to love the Universe for the uplift of Humanity.

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