Wednesday 10 August 2016

Security Alarm for a second queue up...A rare experience...

We had traveled about 15 times to different countries overseas.
Interestingly this time, on 2nd July at Abudabi it happened. After a long wait of more than thousand passengers we completed the immigration process.
 I was selected in the random check up. So me and my husband was in different lines. My husband waited for me to join and then we had the brief interview on what and why we are visiting USA.
Finally in the check in lounge. Thought of having hot coffee with croissant. Just went and bought coffee and snacks. Had one or two sips. There comes an alarm. Suddenly Security officers are rushing to evacuate all of us from all the USA flight lounges and was asked to queue up again. All are anxious to know.....
Why? Why? What's the problem?
                  No answer. But understood alarm was the signal that something went wrong. So the immigration process is getting repeated. No other way. Some were not able to have their drinks. Kids got disturbed. Parents are so tired. Again the immigration form were supplied to us to fill up. It went just like the previous procedure. But a little bit more fast. Me and my husband again in separate lines. It finished on it's way.
                There was no display or announcement of calming us why it was done for a second time. Where it went wrong? We passengers don't know or are we not entitled to know?
Got a new and rare experience in our life. It is interesting to think about it now.
So I thought to share this in the blog.

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