Wednesday 31 August 2016

Time is so Precious....

Time is the most important input one owns. Time is equally distributed to all. 'Time' is the least bothered input when compared to 'Skills' and 'Material goods'. Each of us has twenty four hours a day. But we act differently. It is so common to hear, 'there is no time, what can I do'. This is the most adverse attitude we have to destroy our self.
Time is almost like holding a horse's reins. When they are in your hands, you can control them.
Time has the power to express our basic attitudes and experiences.
'TIME' can be defined as 'Total Investment of Money and Energy'.

When we wait for something, we feel the wait is too long;
When we are one minute late at the bus stop, Oh the bus is gone;
When you are sad, time is like a snail;
When you are happy time is fast, flying like a plane;
When you are in pain, time is never ending;
When you are bored, time is too long!
Time is determined by our own feelings based on our physical and mental state.
So don't look at the clock to blame and have excuses of time but have a nice time always.
Yesterday is cancelled cheque;
Tomorrow is a promissory note;
Today is ready cash with us, use it wisely and profitably.
Every day we are born again. Live this moment; live it fully now, in the present times.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Love of Universe....enjoy to get Spiritually Enlightened

Love of Universe is abundantly shining on us. To feel this abundance love nature, relax to enjoy the   beauty and wisdom of silence. Love is not the quantum of wealth, body make up or external attraction that make people love. It is the compassion that makes people love others. Love is the quality of person that makes one lovable. Love is the commitment, loyalty, care and concern and putting other's good above one's own. Love is both external and eternal. It is the beauty of tenderness.
Wise and divine people of all ages say, love should be returned for hate and good for evil because love is unanswerable. Love swallows up hate as it is the only solutions to problems which arise from our relationships as a social being. Love is the synonym of sacrifice, forgiveness, patience, grace, compassion and laughter. The Universe is showering love on us exuberantly.
 Enjoying the love of the universe is possible through a spiritual journey. Spiritual journey is the 'Soul' of lovable feeling of oneness and a creative life experience.
Spiritual path brings a pure conscious awareness into our mind which is the real source of love. Love is pure and real and is always in a state of flowing.

Monday 29 August 2016

Be a Role Model of Love for the Uplift of Humanity...

To love the Universe always think of the Supreme Power with gratitude for providing us the comforts in our lives such as food, shelter, air, water, health and happiness through out the day. Spend enough time to relax, meditate and to be in nature to get rid of 'Ego', love yourself and accept and enjoy your life. Practice openness , be self compassionate and spread the love to all the creatures, plants and trees, people and all the things prevails in the Universe without any conditions. That's the true love and you can experience the sweetness of love which is the Spiritual Love for the whole Universe.
Start your day with gratitude, accept your life and meditate, let life take over, spend time with nature and most important be proactive not reactive.
Be in love with the Universe and spread the love all around and become a role model of  'Love' to all those associated with us.
Life in it's true sense is in the present moment even though life swings between the past and the future. Bring your mind back to the present energy of love and dedicate your life to love the Universe for the uplift of Humanity.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Healthy Marriage and Happy Life

All marriages are unique. Building trust and maintaining honesty is an important key of maintaining a healthy marriage. Value your marriage and treat your life as a glass with care. The maximum you invest in your marriage daily helps to last your marriage longer. A person who can be committed in the marriage relation with patience only can succeed in their marriage. Spend maximum time you have with your family. Have dinner together with family to open up and have routine discussions. Stay connected and committed through out the ups and downs of the life, to last forever. Always as husband and wife, take a joint decision in your life. Trust is the most vital factor in successful married life. Be transparent with your spouse to lead a healthy and happy married life. Be a great role model to your children to guide them to the right path. It is so worth to know that successful marriage is so valuable to transfer traditions to generations.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Never say I am Aged...

If you celebrated your sixtieth birthday don't say I am sixty years old. Say I am sixty years young.
Then feel the positive vibration in you, you can awake the child within you and behave with your grandchildren as of their age. Enjoy your second childhood with your grandkids and your friends.
There are three ages, chronological, biological and psychological.
Chronological age is calculated based on our date of birth.
Biological age is determined by our health conditions and
Psychological age is based on how we feel we are.
While we have no control on our chronological age. But we can take care of our health with healthy life styles such as good diet, routine exercises and a positive attitude. Our way of thinking cheerfully and optimistically can very well change our psychological age.
Always take care to stay in good health to lead a happy life to motivate and inspire others.
Health is in our hands through a well disciplined life style which is not at all hard if you have a strong desire to live this beautiful life to it's fullest.

Friday 26 August 2016

Manage your Tongue to live in Peace...

We have to tame our tongue. Why people get angry? While having a chat or discussion or conversation sometimes tongue will go unfair without your knowing. Keep your tongue away from evil and speaking from unwanted things. Talk only beneficial things to others. Avoid loose talk to stay wise and friendly.
Why people get stuck in their life? They don't know to control their tongue.
Even talented or skilful, you have to control your mouth to be disciplined. Bite your tongue and get away from arguing situations. Tame your tongue not to say things out of emotions that will damage your relationships. Control your words to have mutual respect in our life. Love and respect offers happiness and peace.

Learn to Walk away..

Avoiding a fight is a mark of honour and not the sign of weakness. You are the peace maker if you know to get away from arguments. If there is a need to argue, do it in the right way at the right time in a nice way to end up with peace on both sides. If you think of the Supreme Power you can easily walk away and be there in the right time.
During an argument one will suddenly sweats and holds the breath. Recognize the changes in you a take a break from the situation to calm down. Disharmony only weakens us. If there is harmony we are ten times blessed. Make minor adjustments in your attitude to make major improvements in your life. Honour the Supreme Power to be in the right track and walk away. The Supreme Power will take care of you and do things for you.

Happy Living in Older Age...

It is a blessing you are alive at this age. You are a ready reference for the youngsters for leading a beautiful life. You are an institution for those who want to learn from you. You are a treasure in the family for others to quote. Let's go through some tips to follow a happy living in our later phase of life.
Live in your own place to enjoy independence.
Handle your bank accounts by yourself.
Don't depend only on your children, because they have their priorities.
Don't compare and expect anything.
Don't use old age as an excuse for everything.
Expand your circle of friends to have good support from your like group.
Take good care of your health.
Listen to others, but think before you act.
Don't miss your daily prayers.
Don't retire from Life.
It is very important to remember that, You are not Alive, unless and until you start living happily.

Don't live in Myths and Prejudices and Curse your Life....

Every one are born as Princes and Princesses! No one is born prejudiced!
Prejudice is a negative attitude without adequate knowledge or reason and leads to discrimination.
Myths are often stories told by people who are linked to religious beliefs and rituals.
Most of us live in myths and prejudices. We need to overcome this and live in the present. We can feel Godliness only in the present.
We draw a circle around us and prepare a list what to do and what not to do. Then it will become a stereotype for the person. When you start looking out and coming out of the circle, you can enjoy a new world with lots of options and opportunities. You can see life is more easy out there instead of being in a heavy state. Once you are out of myths and prejudices you in a world of creativity. Your transformation will be easy by waking up your own talents that were sleeping within you.
Now you can be proud of you realising that you are creative, innovative, productive and constructive to take part in changing the world and turn your life into a blessing.

Despair....the Greatest Enemy in Our Life....

Who is our greatest enemy? If we face such a question, what will be the answer? Will it be like some friends, your parents, or the locality or the course you are undergoing or the work you are doing now. Like wise we can find an endless list to blame our progress in life. And it is so nice to enjoy the situation by blaming others and living on excuses.
Don't you feel that you are so idle. Don't you feel bad on you.
Then the attitude of you is that you truly want to be in a better place in your life.
Look into yourself, is there any factors withdrawing you from excelling.
Yes, your  fear, your doubt and your inability to act. This finally ends in 'Despair' and you start finding excuses to survive from the situations and be a good person of rights in front of others.
Despair also will kill our peace of mind and brand us into the inefficient category finding fault with others, external things and incidents. Life is granted to everybody in the same way.
Get rid of Despair and build up the capacity within you to have and enjoy success in your life.
Share with people who care for you and stay brave in hard times with a strong heart and positive attitude. Act in time and behave in patience to enjoy the beautiful life granted by the Almighty.

Happy Life is merely in Your Hands...

No hard work or great things are needed for a happy life. It is within you only, how to have a happy life? It is your ways of thinking leads  you to sorrow or happiness. Make your heart free to love all around you unconditionally. What ever you do, do it with love. Yes, do it with love from the bottom of your heart. Make your tongue sweet at all times to stay in a happy mood. If you are on the positive path  in your life journey then you can experience, what you see is angelic, what you hear is music,  your movements like dances, smile become laughter and mind become meditation. Then no doubt at all finally enjoy your life, it is like a celebration making you 'HAPPY'.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Smile to others to be Happy...

A beautiful smile can divert an argument.
You know smile gives red colour to our cheeks,
White colour to teeth,
Pink colour to our lips and
Silver colour to our eyes.
Above all smile makes one happy and others happy.
Happiness can be spread by smile and laughter.
Go, Smile and enjoy the colours of the Life.

Trust in the Supreme Power to live your Life....

We all are indebted to the Supreme Power.
When we talk we lose breath. Talk with God and see, no breath is lost.
When we walk we feel tired, Walk with God, and feel, no strength is lost.
When we wait we lose time, Wait for God, and experience, no time is lost.
Trust and Faith in God is the only way not to get lost in Life!

Change your Mind to Change your Life!

The thoughts in our mind is determining the quality of our life.
I remember an incident when I was at a Seniors School during my vacation in Australia.
My smile is my signature, no way even if I come across a stranger and has eye contact, I smile.
In the school the classes and sessions were fun filled and energy filled with sharing experience, local, national and international topics, sharing cuisine and culture and enjoying physical activities like yoga, dance, tai-chi, chi- kung, all were actively involved. One day one of the participant asked 'look at Suma, she is very happy all the time'. Then another  friend answered, 'You know, she is a visitor'.
That conversation made me think, why and what about happiness.
Far away in another continent to be happy means that is something cultivated within. No one can on a fine morning with all the material riches can be happy.
The nature of our thoughts determines the way of our approach to life. Happy and optimistic thoughts makes one positive and compassionate. It helps to make the five sensory organs work effectively and create a cool breeze within us. Our actions are the practical manifestations of our thoughts. There is no competition mentality in happy people. They can take life as it comes. Our brain is ready to adopt any changes that we bring into our mind.
Positive affirmations are like mantras having a sacred force to get it done.
Be grateful on the blessings showered on us and forget the wrong things and negative incidents wilfully. Make your inner child always awake to be simple, humble and innocent.
Live in the present to be happy, forget the past and don't worry about the future.
Focus on your power and think pure to change yourself, the rest will come on your way and you can witness the world is changing.

Meditation... need of the hour....

Meditation is the gateway to health, happiness and harmony.
Meditation helps to be in a calm and peaceful state. It also helps with stress and depression, heart problems, blood pressure and all chronic stages of diseases. The only requirement is your time. At least half an hour in your daily schedule. To meditate well, start in a class group under a Guru.
Different ways of meditations are available. All are worth to practice. I usually meditate on eyebrow centre, which can be done at any place. Once we are experts in meditation it can be done at any time any where. When we feel low energy, do this meditation where ever you are, at office, airport, in a bus, park or any where. At least 10 minutes are required for this. Meditation can be done in three splits a day.
After a few deep breaths sit in comfortable position in a quiet place.
Focus on eyebrow centre and close your eyes. Keep your hands on your thighs and sit relaxed. Meditate on the eyebrow centre. Mentally feel the vibrations on the eyebrow centre. Repeat focusing on eyebrow centre, continue for 15 minutes. Come out from meditation and offer blessings to all one by one. Bring your dear and near ones one by one in your mental picture and pray for their health and happiness, then bring any one who need special prayers and blessings, any one you feel may be your enemy, like wise cover all those in your life with blessings.
Finally pray for the whole Universe to enjoy with good health, happiness, prosperity and peace.

Why we need social connections?

I treasure my social connections. Yes I am a happy person.
Once you feel low, if you are having good friends, go and spend time with those positive and loving people you care about to ease your stress and enhance your feelings. People having good relationships are always happy. The fact is that they are not alone when they feel bad. Sharing helps them to come out their grief  and be in happy emotions. Loneliness is the risk behind high blood pressure and cholesterol. Sick people with good connections can manage their illness better. In older age people with strong community relations live a longer and healthier life.
Social connections offer help, emotional support, follow up, feed back, outings, shopping and entertainments which are some of the great gains one receive. All ages having good connections can lead a happy life.

Take Care of Yourself...

Once you are in your early forties and not interested in self care, don't get delayed. It is high time now. Get ready for self care. Taking good care of yourself is the paramount to your healthy and happy life. Go for a holistic life, balancing mind body and soul.
Remember when we think about gooseberry our mouth will get watered. Here our thought acted on our body. Taking care of body supports mind and soul, taking care of mind supports body and soul and taking care of soul supports body and mind.
Healthy food is the important factor, along with good hygiene, healthy social connections, pampering your passions, better relaxation and strong and lovable family connections are some of the factors to take into consideration while you want to attend yourself.

Encourage yourself....

Sometimes we are alone without anybody around. Even if there are somebody they might be least bothered of us. We are there to do service and don't expect anything in return. Even though we need a start. What to do at these times? Simply go for yourself. Celebrate yourself and compliment yourself.
All days may not be better both physically and mentally. We need patience and trust in God to be calm. The key is with you. Have your own time to travel into your true self and come out strong.
Yes, it is only your role to keep you encouraged, inspired and motivated. Pamper your inner self to show your goodness and be thankful to the Almighty for the blessings showered on you to have enough wealth, prosperity, happiness and peace.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Life is like a Ride on the Roller Coaster....

Life is beautiful. It is trilling sometimes and scary sometimes. Like the roller coaster when it starts and making your first climb, it is exciting and exploring. Also there are times when we are going in circles without an end and sometimes hanging down with great grief. Life's speed varies, sometimes fast and sometimes very slow. Just the instability in the ride one experiences in real life also.
There are happy times when in high and sad times when in low. Like that the moods and emotions also.
We have to be aware of the ups and downs in life and get ready to face it. The ride in the coaster, even if scary after that we can feel it like fun and it is not that much scary and we can do it. Just like that with proper planning and assessing we can go forward in our lives taking care not to fall down into the steep bottom. If it happened to fall in the rock bottom with presence of mind one can come up.
   Conscious awareness in life helps one to lead life in a smooth way enjoying the day and night, hills and valleys, mountains and oceans of our lives, which reminds the ride in the roller coaster. It is only our choice whether to scream or enjoy the ride with our co riders.

Commitment and Dedication.....Congratulations to Sindhu and Sakshi...

Both Sindhu and Sakshi made our nation proud. They are the strongest women of India.
The recent 'Silver' from RIO Olympics for Women's Badminton Singles by P V Sindhu triggered me to write this post.
Her hard work, dedication and commitment pay off the win. Years of sweat, sacrifice and dedication led her to the triumph in Olympics. According to her words she played her 'Heart' out to win the medal. She is the first Indian badminton women player to win a medal. Her commitment and involvement were intense right from childhood. Her hard work and determination can be seen in the fact that she wakes up at 4am everyday for her practice. She used to travel 56 KM daily during her training days so that she could learn the sport. That's the Commitment and Dedication!!!
The second medal from RIO Olympics by India is the 'Bronze' by Sakshi Malik, for wrestling 58kg freestyle. It is the result of her 12 year's fight. In the beginning she faced many troubles from the local villagers who believed that wrestling is meant only for boys. She over come the false belief of her villagers and decided to take up her passion and complete her goal proving she can do it.
Hats off to our strong girls, their parents, coaches and all the supporters.
'Wish you both Good Luck' in the Tokyo Olympics 2020.


Be a Simple Person to Love the Universe....

Are we all 'Simple'. Do we like to be addressed as a simple person. If someone said " You are so simple." What will you feel? It depends to individuals. It varies from person to person.
Majority can fall in the category, why I am simple? I don't want to be simple. What is lacking in me? Am I not a perfect person? Like wise your mind will start arguing within you making you restless.
If you are a transparent and open hearted person you, for sure will be categorised in the 'Simple' person list. That means you are an approachable, uncomplicated and kind hearted person.
I love to be known as a simple person.
'SIMPLE' in my point of view is
S for  Sincere, I for  Intelligence, M for  Modest, P for  Polite, L for Loyal and E for  Enthusiastic.
 I love to be Simple. Simple people care for people than for material riches. They can feel the oneness among others whether rich or poor. They can change the world into a better state.
I remind a rhyme of 'SIMPLE'.
" Living is very Simple,
   Loving is also Simple,
   Laughing is too Simple,
   Winning is also Simple.
Then what is the difficult?  Being Simple is Very Difficult.

How to keep up Immunity...

First of all get rid of fear to enhance your immunity. Fear is our first enemy to degrade us in all means. If there is a viral infection and if you are afraid of getting sick you will be affected the very next day. Keep your mind free of fear, doubt and worries you can stay in the high road of immunity.
Keep your mind pure.
Behave with others in a positive attitude.
Love the world to spread happiness.
Love others from your heart.
Forget 'I' feel and always be in a 'WE' feel to enjoy oneness and harmony.
The results are amazing by protecting yourself from negative energy.
You know why?
All the cells in our body are in harmony. The moment we hate others or something the cells start struggling from the directions of the brain. When the cells are under pressure the diseases and infections are more accessible to our body. This weakens you and decrease your immunity level.
Being grateful to the Universe and thankful for the life we are enjoying is the important key in our beautiful life.
Instead of 'I' feel, go for 'WE' feel. Then see 'illness' change to 'wellness'.
So live in a 'WE' feel and convert our 'illness' to 'wellness' to increase our immunity.

Ten tips for Healthy Living...

 Go to bed before 10pm and wake up before 5am with gratitude.
Don' skip your thirty minutes yoga and meditation.
Have a nice breakfast.
Drink enough water to cleanse yourself.
Laugh loud for ten minutes.
Don't miss your daily prayers.
Give sugar a pass.
Think good, Say good and Do good.
Eat wisely to skip junk foods and concentrate on self care.
Pray for the Whole World before bed and be thankful to the Almighty for the wonderful day.

Open your Heart to experience Humanity...

Miracles will happen when you open your heart and is the only way to experience humanity. When you do things with open heart helps to be honest, see good in everything and do good. Open heart helps to be courageous and loving. Every one have a unique part to do in the harmony of the Universe. Every moment you open your heart you are letting love in to experience your soul. When you send your soul's love outward you can feel the soul's love is embracing the Universe.
Open your heart chakra through meditation. Visualize the green rays from the Cosmos shower on your crown chakra and flowing down to your heart chakra. Spread the green colour of love through out your body and experience you are now a magnet of love. Visualize the green light is radiating around your heart, inhale the green rays, fill with love and spread to the world. This visualization helps you to forget all bad and sad things and fill your mind with good things which help to forgive and be grateful. Take this opportunity to pray for others and you will be blessed by the Almighty.
This is the importance of opening your heart to be part of the world and enjoy a true and happy life.

I love word search puzzle...A worth Mental exercise...

While waiting for my grandson to finish his session at Kumon, I did the word search in a free news paper got from the centre. My grandson loved word search puzzles, so did I. I could easily sit for an hour or two to finish the word search before going to bed. I am very fond of this puzzle which helps me to stay active and keep my inner child awake. It also helps to be creative to go through the word search horizontally, vertically, diagonally and forward and downward directions to find out the words and specify it with markers and highlighters and neat lines. Doing word puzzles are letting the brain to understand more about language, word recognition and reading than we do.
Search word puzzle is a wonderful sort of magic that makes one to be sharp and alert. This cognitive skill is a mind challenging game with fun and concentration and reduce the risk or delaying the onset of age related dementia. Just as the physical exercises benefit your body mental exercises are so important to keep your brain fit to stay active and alive. This type of mental exercises stimulates the brain providing long lasting positive effects regarding thinking and reasoning skills, memory and processing speed. Solving puzzles are excellent brain exercise for older seniors to keep their brain stimulated and vital.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Live Life to the Fullest...

Be proactive to live your life to the fullest. This will happen if you can live more consciously each day. Those who can live in present is the one to live a quality life. Live true to who you are. Most people are afraid of the society and start to tune with the external factors and they can't be a winner. Don't try to live on excuses, then life long we experience excuses on our way. Finding excuses lead one to blame others and also to complain in each and every issue. So quit complaining and start to think it will be OK next time. Patience is the essential key to live life to the fullest. Don't get afraid that life is going to end, start each day on a new start to create your own opportunities that satisfy your passions. Know your inner self, identify your purpose in life and live in alignment of your core purpose. Set your goals, work on it and don't allow to stuck with. Find out the problem of holding back as and when required and jump over the hurdles.
Be positive always and live in the now situation and the place where you live and make others around you to be happy.

Tips for a Quality life for Seniors....

Planning for retirement is an exciting time for everybody. At the time of retirement almost all the parents are alone at home. Their children might have settled in their own family. At this point it can be open up a new chapter in life, full of new experiences, friendships and memories to be made. In this new group different activities can be arranged to visit tourist and pilgrim spots with friends. Also arrange regular schedule for debate of interesting topics, health awareness programmes, reading and reviewing, playing Sudoku, cards, chess and also volunteering. By planning ahead when you are still active and able to fully evaluate your living options through all phases of retirement yourself, you will have a much smoother transition. It will give you more freedom and flexibility to be in tune with your true self to whatever suites your passions and fancy.
Retirement from official career is to be planned as to choose a new lifestyle that meets your personal preferences and requirements. This lifestyle helps you to be more social and enjoy an energetic and vibrant life.

Music is the Medicine of the Mind...

Most people associate music with important events in their life. As we are growing our earliest memories are strongly associated with music which one pamper in their minds. Music is also associated with many strong emotions in an individual. Music build a special connection, both mentally and physically. Even in seniors music help to have a better quality of life. Mind is like a monkey. It wanders here and there even if it is totally an unwanted situation and get sick. The disease can be cured by prescribed medicine. But the mind needs medicine and for sure music can very well heal our stressed and fearful mind. Once mind is cleared body will quickly react with the medicines consumed and the individual can live in good health.

Summer vacation over...Ease back into a routine to make Mornings easy going.....

Schools are opened after summer vacation in USA. Being with our daughter in USA, gave me the idea of this post. Bye bye to carefree mornings to busy mornings. How to make the mornings stress free is really a transition period for almost all parents especially moms. Feeling rushed in the morning is an important reason for added stress. Rushing through activities is an unhealthy way to start a day and it will reflect on the attitude for the rest of the day.
Let us have a look into some of the strategies to incorporate into the daily routines to make the busy mornings go more smoothly and reduce the easily avoidable stress.
Get some work done the evening before.
Assist the kids to prepare the school bags before bed.
Prepare lunch, pack it and have them ready in the refrigerator.
Iron the clothes and uniforms for the following day.
Go to bed fifteen minutes early to wake up fifteen minutes early in the morning.
Go for quick breakfast foods such as oatmeal, cereal bars, wholegrain cereals, milk, fruits and smoothies which your family likes.
A few extra minutes can be used for your self care which enhance your self esteem and can make you refreshed for a easy going start to the day.

Monday 22 August 2016

The Significance of Namaste

Namaste is the Indian way of greeting each other. Wherever, on the street, office, market, temple. house, public transport or over telephone every one greet with a Namaste. Namaste is a customary courtesy greeting to initiate a conversation and to conclude it. It is practised in all age groups. Namaste is a posture to show respect to  one another when we greet each other.
Meaning of Namaste is, 'I bow to you' which has a spiritual significance of reducing one's 'Ego' in the presence of the another.
Namaste is performed by bending the arms from the elbows upwards facing the palms and placing them together in front of the chest. Bow the head slightly when the word Namaste is said.
The simple meaning of Namaste is, the right palm is 'YOU' and the left palm is 'ME'. Together 'WE' are one. Also it is an act of worship.
Namaste in another version means, ' May our minds meet' indicated by the folded palms in front of the chest.

The spiritual significance of 'Namaste' is acknowledging the oneness with the meeting of the palms, we honour the 'GOD' in the person we greet and meet. It recognises the belief that the life force, 'The God within' is the same in all.

Live your Life forget your Age...

What is your answer to the question, 'How old are you?' Is it like this,
I am 60 years old.
Why can't we answer it as, ' I am 60 years young.'
When you feel young you are strong enough to handle the life situations in front of you. If not you will postpone actions to face the situations. We are born alone, we get some dear and near ones on our life journey. But ultimately we are alone. So be brave and bold to handle your life as if you are an energetic, active and confident person. Face every problem with a big smile, not allowing others to determine and under estimate on your age. This will bring positivity in your life and make others around you to be also in a happy mood. Birthdays are not making us old. Our society equates happiness with youth. Don't fall in the trap. Emotional pain is the result of wrong life, not the long life. No one can take away the happiness from you and no one can direct how to move in your life.
Get ready to face the challenges and live your life in a beautiful way. Refresh your passions and do it. Don't allow your age to interfere in it. Travel to know the world, go and get along with people. You can learn and experience you are not old but young enough to get involved in simple and silly acts. Bring in some patience and happiness to enjoy your life as a senior citizen.

Know yourself.....You are Unique...Enjoy the Power of Uniqueness

Once you understand your strengths, it explains how you act, behave, talk and argue.

me and grandson
The benefits of discovering and building your life depends on your personality, experiences, abilities, heart and your soul. When you succeed in discovering your inner power will result in stress free and blissful life. A winner doesn't means to have material riches. A winner in life means to lead a quality life for the service of the Universe. A winner will be always a free person with self esteem without doubt, jealousy and fear. When you build a life in tune with the environment means you are in the right path of knowing the goodness in the creatures of the world and you are in harmony with the nature.
When you stop comparing yourself to others make you more confident and positive. It helps you to grow on your strengths, understand your weaknesses, identify the opportunities in front you and overcome the threats to become a winner in life. This attitude helps you go forward with your goal in life fearlessly which makes you Unique in the Universe.
The Power of Uniqueness helps you to be in your own way in all ages. You are not going to retire once you know your power. You can read, think and write something no one else is reading, thinking and writing.

Be an Optimist to fulfill the Goal of Life....

Goal of our life is to do 'Karma' without any desires. We will be rewarded by the Divine Power. Don't miss a single opportunity to do services. These opportunities will teach us how to live a quality life. Take every opportunity as a challenge. Get ready to overcome those challenges and enjoy life with contentment. Be an optimist to face the challenges in front of you. Always we complain about time. We feel 24/7 is not enough for us to live our life. And the result is that we won't achieve any thing extra in our life.
 Optimism is the only light to kindle 'will' in us. Whether we are rich or poor, health and happiness are the net result of peace of mind and soul. Enjoy and treasure  every moment in your life with gratitude. Smile at the world to keep the world smile. This positive approach in one's life will keep the person optimist and to be in charge of their mood. They can think, say and do things in a positive style and do service to the mankind who are in need, which make a difference in the world.

Life is an art....

Life is about health, happiness and harmony. Health is about vitality, vigour and energy. This abundant energy concerns the whole Universe rather than thinking of self. Life is to travel through the ultimate holistic steps to induce bliss, wisdom, peace, love, happiness, purity and strength in self and the whole Universe.
 Life is too short. Do not compare your life with others. Stop worrying about the things we don't have. Be grateful with what we have. Start the journey to know yourself. Explore yourself to know the art of living. This will help you reveal and expel the areas of ignorance which are controlling and suppressing you. Life is a one time offer by the Almighty. Live your life to the fullest.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Practice Eye Contact to be a good Speaker and a Winner...

If you are a speaker sweep the audience with your eyes. But if you want to connect with your audience, look in the eye of each individual, one at a time. Focusing your eyes helps you concentrate.
If not you looks less confident and less authoritative.
Practice assertive eye contact. Making eye contact with a character on an advertisement of a food packet inspires strong feelings of connection. Eye contacts help to get more listeners, more acceptors and more followers. The most powerful tool of communication and building up confidence is based on focused eye contact. Once you are scanning the faces of your audience, they start nodding at you means, they are in a rapport with you. There are now active listeners and the session will become conversational. That is dialogue instead of monologue. While looking into the eyes of others for three to five seconds may make you assertive and empathetic because the receiver feels that you are taking care of their response. Simple practice will help you to master in healthy eye contact that make you a winner in all walks of your life.

Be Patient to be Positive....

Only two more working days left for us for the trip to USA for six months. Back from Australia got hardly a month. During the period so busy to settle a lot of things connected with our accounts, tenants, repair, renovation, personal and official visit even to other districts within the State and to other States. So planned a schedule to move forward and everything going smoothly. Me and my husband took different schedules of works for achieving our targets in a normal way.
 Our trip was on Monday morning. So need to check in at 8.30am.
The last account settlings of updating the passbooks, withdrawal of money from bank and treasury, issue of cheque to LIC, checking with locker etc. was assigned on Friday to be on the safer side, with a fear if any unexpected holidays fall on Saturday we can be out of stress. We didn't get back the cable connection of TV or having newspaper because of our tight schedule. With a list of five banks and some personal visits, on Friday at 10.10am, I went to the nearby bank and was surprised to see the bank is closed. On enquiry understood all the banks in the country are on strike. Then felt sad. But no way. Just finished some little things around and went to the Sub treasury with full hope because it is under State Government. Since I was out of country for the last five months the amount to withdraw was more. The staff who handle the cheque told me there are not having enough funds because the banks are on strike. We have to consider small amounts to cover more cases and be reasonable. When I explained my situation she told me, 'I can't guarantee you, but if you wait, let us see if we get some deposit from private firms. I agreed to wait. Met some nice and generous people, had good conversation with them.
Sometimes no matter how much you want things to happen, all you can do is be patient and wait.
Exactly that was happened in my case here.
  Good news, got some money at the counter and it was known as five lakhs for deposits. Thought my problem is solved. With a hope, I went to the counter and it was told, because of more small cheques they can't honour mine. So thought of waiting more. Within fifteen minutes there was another depositor at the counter. Then she called me, yes now it is your turn. Here is your token. So after half an hour I left with the money and proceeded to my next work.
That day really tested my patience. I came to know that, if we are patient and divert our time to other things present before us we shall be less stressful and win the situation. Trust in the Supreme power to be patient.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Is Crying a Blessing?

It is said as crying is the trade mark of women. Yes, it is true. Women are more sensitive and they wish and like to get pampered. But men, their pride is not allowing them to cry as and when needed. They feel that to man up they need to be bold. Survey shows the longevity of women is more than men. What is the secret? One of them sure is women are washing out their stress and pain through tears and men are suppressing their stress in their heart and ends in high blood pressure, ulcers and heart attack. So don't feel ashamed, cry when ever you feel and live healthy.
" Tears are just one of many miracles which work so well that we taken them for granted every day." Jerry Bergman
This quote reminds me the healing qualities of tears. I am a person who cries a lot when feel sad. It is so true in my case, after a good cry, I always feel relaxed and relieved like a free bird ready to fly with happiness. No doubt, crying heal us psychologically and spiritually. Crying elevates our mood by lowering our stress.
                     Don't feel crying is a weakness it is really a blessing to stay healthy.

Respect Elders with Dignity

In my childhood we were taught to treat our elders with respect. Also to obey them and care for them. Even now I won't take a seat in front of my elders without making them sit first. But it is so sad to see the norms are being changed. Elders are providing seats to youngsters and youngsters are accepting these acts as taken for granted and the manners to treat our elders have been forgotten today.
I remember an old man was not getting any calls in his mobile for about a month. He took it to a repair shop complaining about his mobile. The guy in the shop found the mobile is working. Then he was saying then why I am not getting any calls from my children? In this busy world instead of treating our elders with respect most people are too busy to attend to their elder family members.
That is too sad. For youngsters they are too busy, but for elders they are waiting to hear the sweet sound of their dear ones. It is not anybody's fault to get old. Becoming elderly is just a natural process of life. What we can do is be patient and understanding with elders just like we are with our children. Don't put them in a second position because for many, their life has become lonely, distressed, physically and mentally weak and exhausting.  It is not their fault for getting old or what has happened to them.
Honour their experience and seek for advice and learn traditions and culture from them. They are the treasure of information from whom we can learn history.
 So what we have to do is love and respect them valuing their opinions and offer help whenever possible without controlling them.

Friday 19 August 2016

As a Team everything is possible....

 Back home from Australia, I was in a hurry to meet my friends and colleagues at AIWC, Aluva.
Members and staff

At AIWC we are as a family. All India Women's Conference, Aluva branch dedicates our services to empower women of all walks. We, members are all above sixty and that may be the reason we got enough time for volunteering. Because of volunteering we feel and seem to be young. At present we have skill training programmes, crèches, tailoring unit, computer out reach programme, women's library, fashion designing course, soft toy and jewellery making and old age day care.
Our team enables us better co ordination and ability to focus different minds on the same subject. As an individual I am benefitted from team work through mutual support and a great sense of accomplishment. I love to be at AIWC as it is a home away home.
The office bearers arranged a special meeting on my arrival just to have a get together.
Thank you so much all my dear friends for such a care and concern showered on me.
A programme for elders
Once in a while

Photography....An amazing Stress Reliever

Today is the World Photo Day. The date behind World Photo Day originates from the invention of the Daguerreotype, a photographic processes developed by Joseph Nicephore Niepce and Louis Daguerre in 1837. On 9th January 1939, The French Academy of Sciences announced the daguerreotype process. A few months later the French government owned the patent and declared the invention as a gift " Free to the World". Now celebrating the 177 years of marking the invention of photography. Every project rises with an idea into reality through a series of processes.
Even though the World Photo Day project started in 2009, it was celebrated for the first time on August 19th, 2010.
It celebrates the passion for photography in our communities. It is a weeklong celebration up to August 25th. Millions of pictures are being uploaded in a minute through our social medias. Every picture shared is having a purpose to share your simple message to the world. They are sharing their world to the world. What a nice thing.
                               This should be only positive when we think of uploading pictures from our own gallery. Let our mission of sharing pictures spread happiness and harmony to those who view it. The themes can be from routine life to incredible natures beauty.
When you turn to the pictures and concentrate on the beautiful smiles, graceful curves of the landscapes and different colours of the flowers you will get relaxed and happy. Even if you are tensed for some reasons you will be amazed to feel the difference when you turn yourself into beautiful pictures.


Thursday 18 August 2016

Power of Gratitude is great....

         We live in a fast- paced world where we are faced with unexpected situations and challenges. It is so hard to maintain inner peace while negative things are going around. Meditation is the best tool to practice daily for living in peace. Once in a while it is better to participate in group meditations to get refreshed in our spiritual knowledge and travel through the spiritual path.
          I love to hear spiritual talks in groups to travel within to get more deep into my inner self. After a hectic trip of three days conference and seminars at Haridwar, reached home early morning at 3am.
That was a Sunday. On Sundays in the Spiritual centre, the speech is for two hours and after that in the synchronised meditation one can feel free as a point of light and experience the spiritual travel to the Cosmos. I was late that Sunday for the meditation. To my surprise  Santha Kumari, my long time colleague previously and now not in touch for a decade, was leading the talk. The moment filled bliss in me to find her in the high chair. Her talk was so nice and explained simply about the eternal happiness.
         After the meditation, she took the opportunity to introduce me to the audience with all my goodness while we were together years back in our official career, which made my eyes filled with tears. It was a gratitude for me to get acknowledged and accepted. She asked me to narrate my present social activities into the new group. We were in such a nice relation supporting each other and caring for others in our earlier life. Even now it happened to us to do the same way.
           That situation made me understand the sweetness and purity of the tears of Joy and Contentment. I know here words are powerless to express my attitude. Absolutely your generosity overwhelms me. No doubt you are an amazing person.
  Stay blessed my dear friend and may the Almighty shower blessings on you to carry on this wonderful task assigned by the Supreme power for changing the world.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Art and Colour continuation....refreshes me our Arunachal Pradesh Trip...

Cooking rice in the bamboo casing

Kamlang forest
hero of the region
Rice cooked in bamboo casing

Boiled chicken in fermented bamboo shoots
Today received the draft of my new book on cookery by email. Because of a gap of almost four years some changes happened and need to correct in the introduction and about the author. In my book introduction is the high light.
By God's Grace our family had grown in these years which gives us love, happiness, strength and contentment. Also need to add more trips and activities done during these years. Even though I need to cut short some activities from my prefixed schedule for the day, it was so interesting to go through the pictures of our trip in Arunachal Pradesh and recollect the memories on our stay at a tribal home. Enjoyed the authentic dishes of the State which was our very first experience. Love to share some of the dishes we enjoyed.

At Parashuram kund
green tea
Tribal house

They use teakwood twigs as  firewood. The aroma of the fire is so nice. They are non vegetarians. The best tonic of the locals are the special green tea prepared by them at home. The tender tea clippings are pushed into a bamboo casing, pressing down and wait to fill it. The will place above the fire place in a net. The case will be there for 3 or 4 months until the colour of the case turn black due to the fumes of their cooking. Then they take out the main case and the tea rod will be safe inside the thinner case. They will broke it to prepare the tea. 24 hours a day the flame will be on with the kettle of tea over the stove.
Special ingredients in boiled chicken and fish   are fermented tender bamboo shoots and crushed bird's chilli. The home we stayed was environment friendly with natural breeze. The bath in the nearby river was so nice.
Visit to Parashuram Kund 13 miles from Tezu, District HQ of Lohit District is famous for it's scenic beauty. this pilgrimage centre is situated on the Brahmaputra plateau in the lower part of Lohit river within the Kamlang forest reserve area. Trekking to Parashuramkund is exciting and scenic. The kund  is surrounded by dense forest of Ruddraksha trees. Parashurama Maharishi (Sage) washed away his sins of matricide in the Lohit river at Brahmakund. Each year thousands of pilgrims from all over the country visit this place to have the holy dip on Makar Sankrathi to wash away their sins.


Tuesday 16 August 2016

Art and Colour Work....Do not postpone the work to be done today.

A weekend dinner for family
    Today was a very busy day for me, looking after my grandsons. I checked my email only at 11am. There was an alert for me. The pictures for my next book on cookery is not sufficient. The matter is with the publisher for the last three years, so I don't want to get delayed more. The pictures sent earlier is not clear and some seems to be missing also. By 12.30pm, I managed to send the old pictures in a full set.
    Thought of preparing a new folder of pictures of the dishes in the book, in case if it is needed by the publisher. Then went to picture gallery on my desk top. Since updating my blog on cookery, I got plenty of pictures in my collection. But, improvisation is my passion, the ingredients for garnishing is not matching at all. Different herbs are used in different dishes. To achieve the target from 7pm I sat on my task. Managed to find out nice pictures from the last three year folders.
    Just completed the folder to send. Yes it is done. Now ready to reply. Time is 11.45pm. Can go for a sound sleep. Goodnight to all my friends.

Monday 15 August 2016

Soul Sister Wisdom Magazine...A true platform for Holistic Health.

                                Being a contributor in Soul Sister Wisdom Magazine is a real gateway to attain harmony and peace in my life. I am absolutely honoured be a regular writer in the magazine. For each article I am looking into myself, what I have done in my life, what am I doing and what can I do?  I am also very enthusiastic and curious to find out where I need to change and transform to help myself and then to change the world in simple ways following our beautiful soul.
                                 The magazine highlights the spiritual outlook of women from all over the world . Hat's off to the founder and editor of Soul Sister Wisdom Magazine, Rebecca, for the spiritual venture allowing the women to join their hands to empower and support women's lives by caring, inspiring, educating and guiding. It is for women who is taking part in making a difference and involved in changing the world through wisdom, love, peace, happiness, bliss, harmony, purity and self empowerment. This magazine is for the women and girls who loves spirituality which is practical and down to earth.

Power of observation is the prime key to get inspired with new ideas....

 I remember while up downing in train for attending the office, it is very interesting to see majority wish to get a seat and fall in sleep. They love the nap in the trip to get more energy for their work.
Some will settle on a seat and grab their favourite book and start reading. A few only, we can see are alert and vibrant to observe nature, surroundings and chat with the co- passengers. They can be categorised as observant. Observing skill can enhance the memory power of an individual.
                                          I still remember my teenage daughter hates me looking around and befriending with others. Her little experience thought, I was interfering into others.
                                           Being observant means watching situations, people and events, then recollecting those and sharing with your friends and family, thinking critically about the observations.
It is easy not to pay attention to our surroundings and simply say, I am not interfering in any issues.
Being humanitarian, they can't leave their surroundings. They expand their outlook of the world and may often be showered with new and innovative ideas. An observant can gain a lot in the world which helps to be positive, brave and confident. The surroundings will inspire and develop curiosity in those who pay attention to the world and give eye contact to others.

Strong will Power to live a happy and healthy life....

This is the real life story of a beautiful lady who is 93.
She lives in USA for the last thirty years. I met her at the half yearly meeting of a women's organisation at New Delhi.
She attended the meeting and on her way back to USA, we got the opportunity to spend some time at the airport.
Her personal and social life  absolutely  inspired and motivated me.
That's the reason for this post. Thank you so much Laxmiji for sharing your life experience with us. Back to our organisation, I shared the activities of this wonderful lady which was a real eye opener to our members.
As an active social worker in the organisation, every year she participates in the annual and half yearly meetings in India. She use to refresh her yoga and meditation practices also along with these trips. She travels alone because she is confident and believes in the Supreme Power. Every day she is doing yoga for thirty minutes. Her favourite yoga posture is 'Sarvangasana'. She still works in two firms, because she is healthy and she needs money for her travels. Can you believe, at the age of 93 still working? Yes, she does. She drives to the work place by her own.I bowed her for her super positive attitude. Both her children are settled in USA. She permits me to take a photograph with her.
Hat's off to you Maam!! Wish you all the very best from my heart. Stay blessed!!!

Be the Pillar Of strength to the People around....

A young lady, smart, intelligent and caring. We were friends. One day she shared her feelings to me.
She is new to the place and living there for the past two months. She loves to be friendly with others.
Unfortunately the people especially women around were conservative.  She use to smile at others and never got it back. Again tried and failed. She feel bad of the locality. Why people are not smiling?
Why people are not friendly? She is far away from her traditional home and lives with her small family of husband and a little baby.
  I suggested not to look at others and complain. See the strength within. Our world is not limited. It is vast, so look outside and find the opportunities and beautiful souls. Even the place is new to her, the wise girl understood to find out ways to get engaged  and active.
 The only thing I did was, to direct her to an active centre for kids and moms in the area. Now she is happy because she is also active doing some good things to the society and enjoying company of some happy women who wants to smile at the world.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Talk your problems to free your mind....

We all have problems. Some are strong to forget negative feelings easily. But some are so weak to forget bad thoughts.
Talking about your thoughts and feelings to your best friend or to the person who cares about you helps you to feel comfortable and relaxed. Talking in a healthy way is just like a meditation. Talking also helps, flushing out sorrows, unhappiness and unwanted feelings from our mind. While you talk, be honest with yourself and honest to the person/ talking therapist to get self empowered to regain the lost control over your life. Talking therapy helps to improve quality of life of the individual.
A combined practice of talk therapy and meditation helps to reduce stress and forget negative thoughts. It is wise to start a talking therapy session, once in a week in all voluntary women organisations where women need to talk their problems without fear and doubt.

Be connected to stay Healthy and Happy...

 Today we had a dinner party at our daughter's friend home. We met new families and beautiful people. Had fun filled chat which made a weekend bang.
    A wide range of values and rituals form the basis of human society. Our social life is an essential key for our survival. We feel most comfortable when we are connected and sharing. We need to interact with others to get connected. So we have to be in a community to lead a sustainable happy social life. People with strong and active social connections tend to be more healthy and happy.
Have a bunch of close and nice friends wherever you go to lead a happy life.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Let Our Dreams Come True!

We all have passions. In a busy life if it will not get realised in your youth or middle age, don't leave your dream.
I want to share with my readers how we can materialise our wish. After my retirement, I concentrate on writings. Because whenever I have time I can write. Even if busily engaged in day time, at night I will find at least three hours a day to write. It is not so simple. It needs to be edited several times to be in the final stage. Here I should thank my beloved husband who patiently edited my writings. Life is beautiful is my third work which reveals to identify your true self and feel the 'God' within you and live a healthy, happy and harmonious life.
Lively and productive activities in our later life help us to lead a quality life.

Kids Garden Club....An innovative idea to become tune with the environment!

 It is summer in USA. A lot of programmes and events related to all walks in life. Being an Agriculture expert, I am interested in farming. Today we visited Rainbow Gardens. The programme for kids on all second Saturdays in the summer was the highlight. Our four year old grandson participated in the programme. After a brief introduction and a simple quiz on vegetables unfreeze the kids to have a friendly atmosphere. Then the indoor practical of planting basil seeds. After that comes outdoor practical directly in the field where vegetable patches were ready.
 All the kids were given with seedlings of chilly, tomato and squash and taught them, how to plant it. Then they sow radish seeds and pea seeds. They learned to sow pea seeds with eye up in the sky. Then back to class room, they were given with a magazine on vegetable growing and free seeds along with the basil sown pots, which makes them do the follow up back home.
 Our grandson is so curious to see the seeds germinating and growing. He loves herbs and use to eat it raw.  He already wants to attend the class next month. If we are supportive, no doubt we can create an environment friend younger generation.

Friday 12 August 2016

Little conversations with grandkids are real eyeopeners.....

 Today we went for grocery shopping at HEB along with our grandkid. The four year old was so curious in buying certain stuff such as healthy snack bars, dairy free drinks and ice creams since he and his little brother had cow's milk allergy. I was surprised to see how organised he is to help his mom in shopping and how health conscious is the little one.
     When we were at the floral unit of HEB, he need a bunch of roses. He want to gift that to his mom. Then his mom convinced him that surprise gifts shall be more cute and sweet. So better buy for me when you go shopping with your dad. Some how he understood the logic.
                Back home in the car, he was still talking of the gift. He decided to buy flowers both for mom and grandma on Mothers Day and told us 'guys you are going to get flowers on Mothers Day.' Then I told him, I will be in India only during May 2017.
There comes his great idea which wonders us. '
Oh Grandpa, shall you buy flowers and gift to my grandma.'
Then I replied, 'he is not my child to buy flowers for me.'
Immediately his response, 'but he lives with you grandma. That's the only way to give a present to you. Right Ammaa.' The cute and wise idea, and the brilliant way how he managed to arrange the beautiful gift to his grandma surprised all of us.
   When we interact with kids, we can feel their innocence and Godly presence in them.

A Super Soul on Earth....A Great Salute!!!

                        Is retirement means simply relaxing? Most of the people think that after official retirement we are free enough to relax, to sleep, to simply sit idle, to watch a lot of favourite shows, to cook and eat what ever we like, such as we shall have a lot of dreams. But one thing, if we are not having a stipulated routine, there rise the problems. After a few months, we shall get fed up with our short term dreams. There comes the aches and ills to distract us from outside world and concentrate on self. The next step is to go for medication which will tie up us with don'ts instead of dos. This is the start of real old age, getting depended on others. A majority of people are categorised in this group. If we decide not to be so and have a strong desire to be healthy and be role models to our younger generation, sure we can stand up.
                         Today in Face book Sri. Prabhu Kumar, Former Zonal Project Director at Indian Council of Agricultural Research posted about  a super woman in farming, which inspired me to write this in the blog. She is farm lady in Thekkampatti village, karamadai Block, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Today she celebrates her 100th birthday. She is very supportive to TNAU programmes. Even now she is active and directing farming community in her area. By God's Grace and her positive mind set she is still a great role model for the Women in Agriculture and to the womanhood in the Universe.
Let us all pray for the health of this wonderful woman and seek blessings from her.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Wherever you are do Service....

While in USA, got an opportunity to present a session on laughter yoga. It was a great thing for me to do service in a country during my visit.
Mostly our relatives and friends used to complain about the boredom during the stay with their children abroad. But for me every day I am looking for something new. Sometimes reading, humming, writing, cooking, gardening, talking, joining the local community, likewise anything which enlightens me. I accepted the offer without any reluctance. By Grace of God it went well. The certificate of appreciation was presented before our AIWC committee which was a real inspiration to my friends.

Security Alarm for a second queue up...A rare experience...

We had traveled about 15 times to different countries overseas.
Interestingly this time, on 2nd July at Abudabi it happened. After a long wait of more than thousand passengers we completed the immigration process.
 I was selected in the random check up. So me and my husband was in different lines. My husband waited for me to join and then we had the brief interview on what and why we are visiting USA.
Finally in the check in lounge. Thought of having hot coffee with croissant. Just went and bought coffee and snacks. Had one or two sips. There comes an alarm. Suddenly Security officers are rushing to evacuate all of us from all the USA flight lounges and was asked to queue up again. All are anxious to know.....
Why? Why? What's the problem?
                  No answer. But understood alarm was the signal that something went wrong. So the immigration process is getting repeated. No other way. Some were not able to have their drinks. Kids got disturbed. Parents are so tired. Again the immigration form were supplied to us to fill up. It went just like the previous procedure. But a little bit more fast. Me and my husband again in separate lines. It finished on it's way.
                There was no display or announcement of calming us why it was done for a second time. Where it went wrong? We passengers don't know or are we not entitled to know?
Got a new and rare experience in our life. It is interesting to think about it now.
So I thought to share this in the blog.