Friday 23 December 2016

Tradition of Surprise gifts from Santa and Kids...

I got a pleasant and a happy duty today. It was to wrap the gifts to both my grandsons who are 4 year and 17 month old. The little one doesn't know about the gifts. But the big boy is so much excited to get the gifts from Santa on the wake up on Christmas day. Today I got the duty when he was at school. Me too was a little bit excited and wrapped the gifts with a special warmth of love also. I just arranged it to take a picture and the gifts are going to a hidden place from our grandson to come back at 12am on the Christmas day.
The Christmas tree was decorated on 1st December and my big grandson is having keen attention towards the tree to keep it in original position when the little one picked away some decorations from it. Back from school the first thing by our four year old is to keep back the Christmas tree perfect. He also is more a big brother now to direct his little brother to behave nicely to show Santa how nice he is to get the most wished gifts. He is also so kind to us thinking that he is under the supervision of the beloved Santa.
Even though it is a myth it is a healthy approach to kids to do nice things and to build up compassion in them. It is not good to lie to kids. But the belief of Santa helps them in their growth and development. The tradition of Santa Claus myth that Santa is entering our home through chimneys to deliver the gifts is really good to reinforce nice values in kids. Even though it is a lie to our kids it is not at all harmful. Imagination of getting the gifts and writing letters to Santa as part of the Christmas tradition help kids to develop creative minds. Parents should be wise to tell the truth to your kids when they are ready for it that Santa is a Christmas tradition. What ever is the tradition the spirit of gifting to the poor and to the needy is great. Also it is an awesome spirit of family get together on Christmas day.

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