Thursday 22 December 2016

Relation of Success and Failure....

In my childhood I believed Failure is the opposite of Success. My life taught me success is not the opposite of failure, but failure is the part of success. Failure is a detour on the way to success. It happens in many ways. Due to a tragic incident, due to a contagious disease, due to heavy fever, due to accidents, due to the loss of a dear one on the day of examination, due to over confidence, due to one up mentality, like wise it will happen.
One who is over confident always become the victims of failure. Our life is not a competition to get sad and irritated on failures. Trust in yourself, trust in the 'Almighty' and accept the failures on the way to success.
Failure has a great advantage. Failure makes one think that it is humane and to get rid of ego. Failure also helps to realize our role in it. Failure enables one learn from the strategies adopted and to get out of it with a better way of approach. Failure make a person experience life in a practical way. Failure leads one to go further struggling to grab success. Failure is part of our life even we try too hard to avoid it. We don't want or expect to fail. But get ready to accept failure when it happens in our life. Failure make us rethink and go for new strategies to achieve the goals. More over failure humbles us and teach us to understand our potential.

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