Friday 2 December 2016

Let us be Calm and Kind in this short Life journey.

It is simply humane to get into arguments. It is also so essential to get involved into arguments. But care should be taken to end up with the argument in a healthy approach without hurting the other person. Is it possible. Yes absolutely it is possible. It is happening to us frequently, so take steps to overcome the hurdle.
In crowded bus or train, the fellow passenger while dragging the luggage hurt another passenger. Some start yelling, some remark it hurt me, some don't care and some help to move it. That is the diverse approach of us in our life. I feel to fall in the third and last category is the best to live our life.
Our life journey is short, we are not meeting the same person in our journey. Better to stay away from arguments is good for mental and physical health.
There will be also instances in daily life among colleagues, friends and family members. Some feel what they say is the one hundred percentage correct. So they tempt to go on with argument. In such cases, care should be taken not to comment anything, just nod your head, say yes, yes. I know here we are not respecting self. But to agree with the arguer is better than self respect at this point. That is their pattern to betray, cheat or humiliate others.  We can't break their pattern. But we can stay calm and kind to live in peace without taking away their peace. If we feel they are not happy in the argument we can give special blessings in our daily meditation and prayer to strengthen our relation with the arguer. That is the way to forgive in front of the 'Almighty'. This is very true to me.
It is not necessary to argue over one up type persons even if they are your spouse, sibling, children, friends, neighbours, colleagues, family members or fellow passengers. It only helps to end up with quarrels, building up hate, jealous, envy and stress with sleepless night. Let them win the situation.
You are great. Be calm, kind and thankful in this short life journey.

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