Tuesday 20 December 2016

Being human needs a kind heart...

There are different ways of approach in life. Some may feel free, some may feel reserved, some may be fearful, some may be with ego like wise people are also different. That is the unique nature of human beings. But being human is far and far away from human beings.
Recently I happened to hear a conversation of two women in a village of India. The conversation was about a great personality aged 78, who passed away. Both of them were talking about the merits of the deceased. One woman was recollecting that the deceased hold her hands when she met him last time about four months back and I didn't thought it might be a final good bye. The interesting point was, she was again quoting I won't touch the hands of other men, but this happened and now I realize that it was a real good bye.
My point of discussion here is why women are thinking so? Why we can't greet a man by giving a shake hand? Why we can't console a man patting on his arm when it is a need? Why women are very mean?
I got the answer in my point of view. No matter whether women are in village, in township or in city. No matter women are educated or illiterate. No matter women are housewives or office managers. Wise women always know how to behave and how to live quality life. Women should have the wisdom how far we can go? I don't think greeting our male friend or a male relative by a shake hand will makes everything upset. If we are clear in our mind, if we are kind at heart, if we are compassionate, if we are generous, if we know how to manage ourselves there will no headaches or bad things happening in our lives. It is only us that we are allowing others to break into our personal life. So let us be a part of the community, let us live according to the community, let us go along with others and be one among others. Let us judge our own life and live a quality life instead of finding fault in the gestures and styles of others. When we point one finger to the accused, let us keep in mind all the other four fingers are pointed towards us. We are human beings but let us be humane.

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