Thursday 22 December 2016

Go along with the change to enjoy Life....

Culture has changed. Technology has advanced. In the past the wisdom was transferred from the older generation to the younger. Now the advanced technology is providing all the information in a second and it seems the younger generation is the teacher of the older generation.
About a decade before, my daughter used to ask the recipes to me. I loved to share the recipes with her and felt a little bit proud also. When she stopped asking, I thought why? Whether she is not cooking our traditional dishes anymore. I asked her, in 2005, now a days why are you not collecting recipes from me. Her answer was a real eye opener to me. I shared with my friends, 'I never thought this internet with become a barrier in sharing our knowledge on cookery, medicinal remedies of herbs grown in our courtyard and instant techniques of house keeping which were transferred from our mom and grandma to our children'. The advanced technology is providing all the info at our finger tips. So to go along with the flow I became a computer friendly person, started my own blogs on cookery and wellness.
About three years back, one day daughter called me over phone and happily shared, 'Mom today I searched a recipe for chilli fish curry and I got your recipe. It was so nice mom'. Thank God, let the culture change, but let us go along with the change, not to blame the change but to get adapted with the change, experience and enjoy the new change in our own life.

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