Thursday 8 December 2016

Thoughts and Health...

Every thoughts we have, create some reaction in our body. Our body health is directly associated with the quality of our thoughts. Positive thoughts make us healthy while negative thoughts make us sick.
It is humane to have both positive and negative thoughts. We all go through several thoughts all day long and these thoughts are so powerful to affect us both physically and mentally. Positive thoughts trigger wellness whereas negative thoughts trigger discontent. Thoughts are the real triggers within us to make us a happy person or an unhappy person. Thoughts represent the habit of a person. Negative thoughts weaken the immune system and leads to infections and diseases. Negative thoughts poison our body and mind.
Practice the power of positive thinking to overcome the overflow of negative thoughts.
When you start thinking on positives, you can very well feel the change in you. You can accommodate with the new ideas, you can get adjusted with the new environment, you have trust, you have faith, you can love, you can understand, you can forgive, you can forget, you can let go. So by the time at bed in the night there is nothing in your mind. Positive thinking lets everything that comes to go away. Now you are free and happy with great hope for tomorrow.

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