Wednesday 14 December 2016

Fun and Health

Children always enjoy fun.
Why it is so?
They are not having a tight packed schedule. Even though they wants fun and they are ready to enjoy. The result is children are active, energetic, vibrant, live in the present and they are healthy.
What happens when the children grow up?
As the child grows up into adults they will become busy, they will become choosy, they will become optional and the 'ego' starts to rule the individual tempting to get away from fun activities. Then they become serious, reserved and wants to be a perfect person. Slowly they will get away from social connections and tend to be like to be away from common people. Slowly stress will affect these group and they start finding excuses to stay away and lose the fun activities. By middle age they start to have the symptoms of blood pressure, high cholesterol and intestinal disorders.
Just go along the flow to have fun.
Fun helps to relax and enjoy the moment.
Fun leads one to live in the we feeling.
Keep your inner child awake to enjoy the fun everywhere you go.
Fun makes one energetic and busy all day long and keeps optimistic.
Fun lovers are more healthier and happier people.

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