Thursday 29 December 2016

Let us all 'Have a Heart of Gold'.....

Have you ever heard from someone that 'you have a heart of gold'. Do you ever commented to any of your friends that' you have a heart of gold'.
Yesterday an incident made me say to a lady at JC Penny, 'You have a heart of Gold'. There was a small isle with gifts under $10. Saw a nice Poinsettia Damask Tablecloth, thought of buying it for my daughter. The original price is $40. Reduced price is not shown. Being a visitor I am not at all familiar of checking the prices.
A lady was nearby in the same spot looking for some other things along with her family. I just asked her about the price and she replied let me check. I followed her and surprised to see she got in the line of three persons in front of her to check that for me. She is so generous to spend her valuable time for another customer at the store. The price was $9.97 and the lady standing back to her in the billing queue asked us where you find it, it is such a valuable stuff to own or to gift. I felt so thankful to the generous lady and the beautiful lesson I got.
To comment to others and to receive the comment we have to be so generous and kind at heart. Those who offer and don't expect anything in return are those with a heart of gold. They are always caring. They love to share. They are not rich with gold but they are rich with love and kindness with a heart like 22ct. gold. They can easily let others into their heart and make you be a part of their heart. They are always mindful about the wellbeing of others. They care others more then themselves. The person with a heart of gold should always act kind to all the living creatures. They are truly the real, not a plastic. Every time when we share our soul with every one we meet all around the world, that results in getting back the love from the 'universe' more than what we can imagine. That is the real wonder of having a golden heart. We enjoy from our own mom the warmth of a golden heart. From the generosity of mom we can learn the practical way of love to shower on others. Also we have the golden experience from the Almighty of caring and loving us in every moment. Let us take these guidelines and e kind to the world. Don't misunderstand and get in trap to others judgment. That is not our attitude or our actions to judge us negatively. So leave them on a side to live their life and go on with a heart of gold to all around us. Remember that our heart is making us alive and be kind to our heart to be happy to all and wish that everybody may have a heart of gold.

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