Wednesday 21 December 2016

Tips for a Peaceful life.....

We all are loved when we are born. We will be loved when we die. So what in between our life of birth and death. We should take charge of our short life to be loved.
Always respect those who are with us and for us. They are the persons who truly love us and teach us what is life. Those can be our parents, our children, our relatives, our friends, our neighbours, our colleagues and our teachers.
Everyday make it a point to learn something new and share what you learned new. A learning mind is so simple and light hearted. Try to become the owner of a kind heart.
Self care is not a selfish act. Care yourself to care your dear and near ones. Have exercise daily to maintain fitness both in your body and mind. Go for a daily meditation to get enlightened. When ever you eat, think about your own body and fix the diet and it's quantity. When your diet matches your health, diet itself will substitute your medicines. Stay healthy and serve the mankind.
Value your wisdom more than your material riches. The most valuable gifts to give to our children are education and lessons of humanity.
Believe in yourself and lead a happy and peaceful life.


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