Wednesday 21 December 2016

Get rid of the unwanted 'Ego'....

Get rid the ego of yourself and know that 'EGO' means 'edge God out'. Ego takes away the 'Godliness' and fills in the negatives. Ego is a false identity which leads one to a bad personality. A person  having 'ego' always thinks everybody else are not smart, not intelligent, not wise, not good. They believe they are better than everyone else. They won't trust others. They believe in themselves in their beauty, in their skills, in their physical assets, in their position, in their status, in their family like wise in a number of things. The ego make them feel they are some one in heights. They want others to follow them. Ego helps the 'I' to grow and forget the mass. Try to respect and recognize your fellow people. Try to be one among the others. Understand that we all are one and we are the children of the 'Supreme Father'. When we understand we all are brothers our head will become light to get rid of our head weight. When one is described as a head weight person that means it is the outcome of ego. So let us get rid of our ego sense and realize the life sense to experience the presence of our fellow people in and around us.

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