Saturday 3 December 2016

Don't allow perfection to spoil your happiness

I believe in practical approach not in perfection. I can cook a delicious dish even if short of an ingredient. I can enjoy bathing in sea and river even if I don't know swimming. I can befriend with my fellow passengers even if I don't know them. I can do my personal exercises even if I am away from home. I can very well get tuned with different age group of people, different environments and different situations. Nothing is pulling me backward or pushing me away. What I want is that I need to do my best for myself without disturbing others. Where ever I am, I wish to be one among others simply to be alive because life is so simple, beautiful and after all a short journey blessed by the 'Almighty'. It is chilling outside today. In our tropical country we are not used to this weather. We got a party of our community with cultural programmes and a grand feast. I am feeling so cold but my mind is ready to go to enjoy with the beautiful people gathering in the function.

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