Friday 9 December 2016

The way to Talk to the World......

It is very interesting and informative to know how we were taught by our parents to talk to others.
Now a days this type of education is not having any importance. Now the relationship is more cordial than the older days.
Talk to Mom with................. Love.
Talk to Dad with ...............Culture.
Talk to Teacher with.........Respect.
Talk to Children with.........Energy.
Talk to Friends with........ Freedom.
Talk to Authorities with...Courtesy.
Talk to Politicians with...Smartness.
Talk to God in ................... Silence.
The good traits were taught to generations how to live your life simple, humble and with oneness.
I should  thank my parents for this way of education because no doubt I was in the right track to be in this beautiful world to get along and interact with the fellow people in a healthy and happy way.

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