Tuesday 13 December 2016

Nature is Great

Colorado River, Austin
 Pictures captured on the same day from 12 noon to 6.30 pm in the eve of Colorado river and lake Travis.
Colorado River, Austin
 The beauty of nature is the things such as the mountains, valleys, expanse of the sea, river and lake and the beautiful land with various sceneries. All these give us immense pleasure and that is why we are experiencing calmness and serenity when we are with nature.
Colorado River, Austin

Travis Lake

Travis Lake

Travis Lake
 One who observes nature can see, experience and enjoy the beauty of nature. It helps to get rid of stress and strain due to the hectic daily schedule in life. Nature reveals it's beauty to all in all places and in all seasons to those who know to enjoy it. Nature is alive and so it is beautiful and great.
Sunset viewing deck at Oasis, Austin

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