Tuesday 6 December 2016

Holistic approach to life for wellness and to become an example.....

Holistic approach is to live in tune with body, mind and soul. It helps to balance and to be more centred in life. Holistic life style makes us to be in the flow by enjoying the task we are involved irrespective of environment. Focus attention on gratitude for experiencing and enjoying the beauty and uniqueness of life rather than highlighting the problems and stress. People who experience the flow in life tend to be happy, creative and productive. They are kind, loving, happy, healthy, proactive and peaceful. They are the role models in the group. They are not only the preachers or advisors. They are the followers of  the lifestyle what they preach and advice in the community. It is very easy to advice but it is very difficult to follow the advice in our own life. Holistic life style is the best way to become an example in social life to uplift the society and make a difference in the world we live. Holistic life style is the right path to care self, serve the humanity and the Universe which results in harmony of self and the Universe.

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