Sunday 4 December 2016

Pray for the Universe

Pray for the whole universe to get the blessings in our life.
Love all even if somebody have hurt you. That helps to forgive all especially yourself.
Think positive even if life gets hard. There will be a way to get out of hardships.
Serve the universe with your valuable time even if you are given with a little wealth.
Live a simple and humble life even if you are immensely rich.
Praying is a form of meditation. Prayer with gratitude results in purification of the body and mind spiritually. Prayers make one minimise to material attractions and reduce the ego. When we pray for the universe from bottom of our heart it results in change within you and the universe.
After prayer for self and go for the whole universe. Repeat the prayer for three times with a strong faith.
'By the grace of the 'Almighty' may I enjoy good health, enough wealth, prosperity, happiness and peace.' Pray for those who need special care around you and shower blessings on them. Then go for the prayer for the whole universe.
"May the whole Universe enjoy happiness, prosperity and peace".
'Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu'.

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