Sunday 18 December 2016

Soar like an Eagle in Life....

The choice is with you whether to quack like a duck or soar like an eagle. The ducks love to be in herds. Yes, off course we should be part of the family, society and community. But we should take steps to grow and improve for making a change. We can break the old rules laid by our society according to our age. With due respect to our age and our physical health let us be one among in the group. The view point of soaring eagle is a positive step to follow for those who loves to live in this beautiful world and serve humanity in this universe.
You need to live today, when you are alive. Do not keep things to do for tomorrow.
Today the idea for me to choose this subject in my blog came for yesterdays Christmas party at our friend's home. A group of sixty were there including kids. The special high light of the party was singing and dancing. The grand feast started at 7am with mouth watering appetizers to the desert at 10 pm and after 12am the delicious chocolate fruit and nut cake specially made by our hostess and served by the great couple who host the party was sure to consume 1500 to 2000 calories.
So what we, me and my husband, we both went along with the flow. The result was we were able to burn at least 1000 calories by the dancing. That is the way of our approach where ever and in what ever field we are. We love to offer our contribution for the betterment of self and for the betterment of the group/society/community. The result was we were not merely the observers thinking that if I can do that, if I can sing, if I can dance I can eat one more piece of my favourite desert. So what to do get along, go with the flow, the stage is open to all, it is not a competition, don't afraid of judging, you are your own judge, get along, get involved in the activities, burn the extra calories you consumed in the best opportunity in front of you. Don't keep it for tomorrow. Because it is week end and tomorrow you might have some other activities which won't allow to do your personal exercise.
So my philosophy to share is 'let us stop quacking like ducks and let us start soaring like eagles' and show the society that we can do it.

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