Friday 23 December 2016

The significance of 18 steps in Sabarimala

Lord Ayyappa at SA Temple
At San Antonio in USA last Sunday we participated in Ayyappa puja organised by our bhajan group. It was a nice occasion to participate in the three hour Lord Ayyappa Puja at the Hindu Temple, San Antonio with a pretty good crowd of Ayyappa devotees from different States of India.
It was so nice and highly devotional.
I had been at Sabarimala Temple five times. Sabarimala is the pilgrimage place where every year lakhs of people visit the temple to get the blessings of the Lord Ayyappa. The most important thing about the temple is that girls after ten year old and women before fifty year old are not allowed to visit this holy place. Forty one days of vrat is required to visit Sabarimala. The reason is that women having their regular periods are not able to follow vrat in a continuous period of forty one days. Those who visit the temple need to take a forty one day vrat, waking up at 4am, take a shower and have only vegetarian food prepared on the day and should not consume alcohol or smoke cigars. On the 41st day or after the day devotees climb the Sabarimala with the irumudi on their head by walking on barefoot along the holy mountains by chanting the holy names of Lord Ayyappa. We can't realize that we are climbing the mountains since we are along with the huge crowd in which all are calling the devotional 'Saranam vili'. The most important part is to climb the 18 steps with the irumudi on top of the head.
Each step has its own significance.
The first five steps are referred to the five senses, eyes, ears, nose, mouth and touch. By controlling the five senses a 'oneness' feeling is possible.
The next eight steps are referred to Ashtaragas (eight sins) which are kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (miser), moha (desire), mada (delusion), matsarya(competition), asooya(jealousy) and dhumba( one up mentality). The eight ragas build up ego and results in hatred and jealousy.
It is meant to get rid of the eight ragas to become humble and compassionate.
The next three steps are referred to the Trigunas ( three good qualities) which are satva, rajas and thamas. Trigunas make one active and energetic  by surrendering to Lord Ayyappa.
The last two steps are referred to Vidya and Avidya.  Vidya means knowledge and Avidya means ignorance.  Knowledge takes away ego.
The belief is after climbing the 18 steps makes one to attain the knowledge of life and to realise the purpose of life.

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