Monday 12 December 2016

Power of Innocence protects one fro evils...

Why kids are adorable? They are symbols of innocence. There is a saying while being with babies, infants and kids we forget everything. What the reason? They are energetic, they are vibrant, they live in the moment, making us to live in the moment with them. They laughs, they cry, they smile, they play, they eat, they jiggle, they are the motivating force to all who are around them. We can see the innocence incarnate in the smiling face of a child. The bright laugh, the joyful smile, the kindness, the openness, the bright hope. Hope and joy have the power that innocence saves. Being open, being kind, being lovable, being sacrificing, being compassionate are all the results of being innocent. Let us grown ups also try to be innocent in this short life. Being innocent protects us from evils because innocence is the real purity and goodness. The power of innocence influence divinity in our lives helping us to open our eyes to travel in the right path of humanity. This brings peace in our lives, our loved one's life and to everyone's life because you are here for the peace of the universe.

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