Thursday 1 December 2016

Thanksgiving Day Celebrations...

This is the fourth time in USA we are also being a part of Thanksgiving Celebrations.
What is thanksgiving ? I will say every moment we should be thankful to the Almighty for what we are having. This thought makes one to live in gratitude through out their life.
In USA with our daughter it is a real celebration and it is so nice to have a long weekend to celebrate, visit family and friends, arrange get together and getting ready for the Christmas holidays.
The traditional thanksgiving was celebrated by the pilgrims in the New World in 1621 in the 'Plymouth Plantation' after their first harvest at the meeting house on the hill along with all the family members to listen to the pastor and render 'Thanksgiving' to the 'Almighty God' for all the blessings showered upon each and everyone throughout the year. The feast lasted three days and was attended by Native Americans and Pilgrims. The true meaning of Thanksgiving focuses on relationship. It is a relationship between God and man. Thanksgiving is an attitude of the heart that reinforces an intimate relationship with God.
This time we went on a cruise along with family and friends. We were assigned a table for dinner and did the 'Thanksgiving' session at the time of dinner. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in USA.
Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude. Gathering in unity helps people to get refreshed and invigorated sharing victories as well as struggles assuring strength and hope. The young generation are being taught the purpose and significance to the richness of their heritage. People get ready to be more compassionate reflecting upon all the gifts that blessed their lives and to stretch out helping hands to the needy people around.

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