Friday 16 December 2016

For a Better Aging....

Let us accept and go with the changes.
Let us respect the teachings of our parents.
Let us be a social being and go along with the flow.
Let us learn a new language.
Let us enjoy travels.
Let us live true to our inner self.
Let us love honestly, laugh sincerely and live truly.
Let us learn to forgive and forget.
Let us enjoy our own time daily for exercises and self care.
Let us be with our family to enjoy fun and love in life.
Let us accept the risks and the hurdles on our way to live a quality life.
Let us be self inspiring and motivating.
Let us learn new things and new skills everyday.
Let us be part of the community to serve the 'Universe'.
Let us be prepared to say no when ever we feel so.
Let us live in the present and be happy through out our life.
Do what is in front of us today. Do not postpone any opportunity for tomorrow.
Life is short, Life is beautiful and above al Life is in our own hands.
Let us live our life with quality and gratitude.


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