Wednesday 28 December 2016

Today is Powerful...The Power of 'Now'....

We all have a bunch or a lot of friends around the world. Today I got a message from my one of my nice friend. It was a beautiful message, 'Today is the world's "Close friend day". Send this to your friends. Even me if I am one of them. See how many you get in return! I hope you get a dozen!"
Immediately I started messaging that to a dozen of my friends including the sender. Then thought of searching in the internet more about ' Close Friend Day. This was an eye-opener. There are different days for close friend day, best friend day, ever best friend day like that. But non of them falls today.
But the importance of the message I got was everyday we can sent this message to our close friends because it is clearly stated  as 'today'. Today is live and today we are also alive by the grace of the Almighty. See how powerful is 'today'. Today is the most powerful day and blessed day in front of us. Because yesterday is gone and now it is part of the history. Tomorrow is there but what's tomorrow, now it is part of the mystery. But today is a gift for you, you are here to live your life, to act your life, to serve your community, to be with your friends, to be with your family and to pray to the Almighty for abundant blessings and peace for the 'Universe'. Look at the power of today and that is the power of 'Now'. Let us all live in the moment and experience our beautiful life.
Thank you my dear friend Maya for giving the idea for this post. Thank you all my friends who read my message in your inbox.

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