Friday 18 November 2016

Wisdom the greatest wealth to acquire.....

Wisdom is the greatest gift one can acquire in life. Wisdom doesn't count on how many years you lived but it reflects on how much intelligent you were. Wisdom comes from the non-conceptual intelligence within one. Observing and listening are the essential keys to be wise. Wise people talk less. Wisdom comes from experience. Success, failures, travels, arguments, facing challenges, to get lost in situations, the attitude of getting involved are the key factors to acquire wisdom. Once you are on the track then you can learn to get away from prejudices, fears, assumptions and interpretations which the hurdles on the way to wisdom. Be realistic and choose your own way of risk and challenges to live wise and to become wise.
Knowledge can be taught and communicate where as wisdom is not teachable or communicable. Wisdom is a real treasure. Wisdom is the reward of listening and understanding. Wise people always know where to talk, when to talk and why to talk? Wise people will be honest in their life. They became wise through their experience. Responsibility makes persons more and more wise. If one run into a wall they won't turn around to get away from the spot. Their duty reminds them to be wise enough to work hard and climb over it. Wise people won't pretend that they know everything which leads to humbleness. Wise people keep on learning as a routine activity in their life which makes them simple. They can keep their inner child awake which makes them flexible to enjoy your life irrespective of the situations. They focus on knowing themselves inside out instead of worrying about others around them. Wise people are always young at heart and that is why they are happy and peaceful.


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