Monday 7 November 2016

The Effects of Stress on Body...

Stress is normal in life. Many incidents and events, a phone call, a mail, a conversation etc. can create stress on our body. Stress is the phenomenon where we have to react and adjust with the responses with mental, emotional and physical responses. Even though our body is designed to experience and tolerate stress it is hard when we have to face stressed situations in a long run such as chronic illness, loss of dear ones, falling in debts and bad relationships without relaxation.
 Stress to a certain level is good, 'eustress' for keeping one alert to act effectively and timely in a positive way. Distress will not be an appropriate thing to live a healthy life. Higher stress makes the person to work tireless and exhausted. It leads to headaches, indigestion, body pain and sleeplessness. The person having these symptoms will consume medicine, where will get temporary relaxation and the situation can get worsened leading to diseases like blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, diabetes and heart related problems.
Distress leads one to use alcohols and drugs which they feel are comfortable at initial stage to get rid of stress. But unknowingly the habit of using alcohol will lead to more problems which affects the relationships also. By the time the individual will get drained out and become a victim of stress with anxiety and depression. Mental relaxation is required to drive away the emotional disorder within otherwise stress will become a lifetime companion irritating your life and the life of others around you.

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