Tuesday 15 November 2016

Be a winner in Life....

Success is not a dream. Success is an ambition. Let us look into the facts the what makes someone a master winner. When I was in my early twenties it was so hard for me to speak in a public. Being an extension professional it was highly essential to address the farming community frequently. This made me think that I need to change from the present state of mind. I observed keenly my seniors who were taking classes and speaking a long time for the audience. I felt inferior because they were superior in the task which I am not able to do. The feeling of inferiority makes me sad. I thought I have to survive because I need to serve this department till the age of 55. I took it as my personal challenge and determined to succeed. Why should I fear? What am I doubting?
I looked into myself and found that I am having a crystal clear voice, I am having knowledge in my field, I can clear the doubts of my farmers, I am having kindness with me, I can care them then what else I need? I need a platform to board and fly. So I prepared a home work for me. I did imaginary speeches on selected topics in front of a mirror. I prepared the questions that the farmers should ask. The next step I invited my husband to audience with the questions. Slowly it happens to turn out well. I was slowly becoming confident confronting my fears of holding me back.
I prepared a plan for me starting with a group discussion. I was happy to observe my involvement with confidence. In a time span of one year I became a wonderful speaker and approved as a public speaker in our department.
What needs for success in your field is that first of all get rid of fear and doubts. The desire with firm determination and continuous efforts help you achieve your ambition. Once you are thorough in your subject you will become courageous. Get ready to proceed with commitment. Keep on going forward to maintain your success. You are alone responsible for your success. The ways are open in front of us. Go on and win!!!

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