Tuesday 8 November 2016

Let us build up to be a strong woman...

Being a strong and an independent woman is a state of mind. Strong women are always self sufficient and confident in their looks and deeds. An independent woman listens to others and before they act they look into self to listen to their intuitions to understand their goals in a deeper sense. They are self determined and very well know to live with their goals and to get away from unwanted arguments and situations. Strong women know to make themselves happy rather than blaming others for their unhappiness. They are disciplined in their own health, finance, assets and emotions. They know to appreciate, respect and serve others by being a part of the community and do their own things independently. Strong women shall glow with their inner beauty. Beautiful and strong women can gain courage from challenges and disputes, smile and laugh while in sorrows. They can grow more and more stronger with prayers and faith. As a full circle women are having the power to love, create, nurture and change. Let us be one among them. We all can be one among them. Let us challenge ourselves to keep on growing and improving. Let us celebrate our lives by enjoying and experiencing the successes of ourselves and of the womanhood. Let us go ahead and build up each other.

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