Sunday 13 November 2016

Sewa for enlightment...

I love to do service 'sewa'. Sewa is the duty to the society where we belong. Service can be done in different ways. Always love to keep an eye towards the people and things around me. And if any help needed I am there. Sewa is to be done for self, for family, society and for the universe. Sewa is a sankrit word meaning 'selfless service'. So sewa should be done without any wish for returns. Then only sewa will become fruitful. Sewa differs from country to country. In India if we give a hand to a old woman who is climbing she will stretch out her hands with gratitude in her eyes for the help offered. But in western countries this attitude doesn't work. We need to ask permission of the person before we act. Most probably we will receive the reply that," thank you, I am fine." What ever it may be, 'sewa' is a great thing if one can do. The beneficiaries will be grateful. The earnings from sewa is the happiness and peace in life. The physical gain of sewa is not at all important. The results of sewa will definitely reflected on an inner level and lead to inner peace. By doing sewa one attains liberation. During my visit in Australia I served in a Buddhist temple in gardening and housekeeping. Twice in a week for 3 hours along with others were a nice time to do service and get elevated. Also got the opportunity to participate in the meditation programmes and other activities which helps me to get elevated.
Sewa serves two purposes. Sewa teaches and trains us to see and experience 'Godly' presence in all. Sewa enlightens one to see us in others and understands us the unity of the self to the Divine. Sewa also makes one toned and egoless to serve for the mankind. The main attraction of 'sewa' is those who wish to stay active and energetic at the later phase of life can very well be associated with sewa groups of their individual skills and taste for maintaining good community relations and uplifting the values and virtues. Sewa helps to reach out to serve the universe and uplift the humankind to fulfil ones purpose of life.
Helping people with material needs is very beneficial.
Educating children and grown ups with the skills we have is great.
To chat with the aged and lonely people in the care centres.
Consoling and comforting the weaker who needs care.
Do service in hospitals, old age homes, orphanages, juvenile homes etc.

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