Thursday 17 November 2016

Live a satisfied life rather than a happy life....

Life satisfaction is being happy about our lives. But the experience of happiness is sudden in the moment that being happy in our lives. Satisfaction and happiness are totally different. Satisfaction is a life long asset and happiness is momentary. Satisfaction is the happiness that exist when we think about our past, present and even future. Positive thoughts of the incidents, events and happenings in our life is the main factor to experience satisfaction in life.
For example, when we see something more, that if your friend with your same educational background is having a better job then you can feel unhappy that why you didn't get such a high position. This leads you to unhappiness and a feeling of unworthy. But if you can think about yourself, your beautiful family, your own home, your car, your friends, your social connections and all the blessings that you are enjoying leads to happiness. That is the faith in life, that is the trust with the 'Almighty', that is the trust in yourself and that is the real satisfaction. Nothing can shake you. All what we need is to have a satisfied life with good health, enough wealth, happiness, prosperity and peace. Also making yourself prepared to face what ever comes along in the path of your life in a positive approach. Positive approach is the gateway to 'Life Satisfaction'. Be in touch with the universe through your friends, neighbours and family mentoring the society who needs help and do an audit daily, weekly, monthly, trimonthly, half yearly and annually to find the quality of your life.

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