Monday 7 November 2016

Importance of water to combat low energy...

It is very important to maintain our energy levels through out the day and through out our life.
My personal planning last day went wrong in maintaining my energy level. Being a participant in a parade I had less consumption of water to avoid the temptation to go to restroom. But learned a nice lesson and an excellent tip from it. The role in the parade required a vibrant action which leads me exhausted after two hours of the programme. Since it was an elongated event from evening to midnight the  with a lot of activities in three different stages, crowded everywhere, I was also busy enjoying the events forgetting about self. While enjoying, I just felt drowsiness and thought to sit some where. Slowly came out from the crowd where we were standing for a long time, I saw a pillar, where I sat down not able to talk, but showed action that I am not well. Some one gave a bottle of water and sipping some water helped me to regain the giddiness and after fifteen minutes having a full water, I became normal and felt well. I clearly understood that my tiredness occurred  due to mild dehydration. After an hour was able to eat some food and went to bed. Early morning I was perfectly alright. I learned an important life lesson not to get away from routine water consumption.
Activity and nutrition are an important factor of putting more energy in our daily life. Drink plenty of water and have a bottle of water as reserve when you are away from home. Also care should be taken to have a healthy diet before your extracurricular activity. Take care to have some snacks in your handbag for yourself and to serve those who are around us. Healthy diet of whole foods, vegetables and fruits should be included in daily diet. We should eat regularly to maintain our energy levels through out the day.

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